Catching wild ring necks


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Long island
Pepsi and sprite, both are American male budgies
so every year I visit India and Pakistan since Imy relatives live over thier. So most of you know that Indian ring necks roam wild over thier. Lots of people catch them and sell them. And I'm talking about WILD ones. Even tho the pak and indie government say its illegal , people are still selling them in BROAD DAYLIGHT. I bet you can go down any street and find people selling them . What makes me more mad is that they don't even large enough cages. The bird are squeezed into cramped cages and sold for 50 cents. And when people buy them they don't even take them out they live thier life in a cage. The only reason people want them is because they can talk.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Merlin & Charlie (Senegals)
I feel for you, I just couldn't face it. People buy these birds and kepe them on a crap diet and in horrific conditions. It breaks my heart. I can'teven look at picture of videos of them because it hurts me so much seeing those poor babies tortured that way... :(


New member
Sep 9, 2012
One of the horrible things in the world is mistreatment of animals and the sad part is it happens all the time. All we can hope is they get out or those countries advance further and this culture disappears...

but I wish the birds were 50cents here :/ but there would be more mistreated animals if they were.


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Jul 23, 2012
South Africa
Buster turquoisegrey IRN male, Piper buttercup IRN female. 2 Budgies who will soon be relocating to my brothers home.
What a sad thing, unfortunately it happens all over the world. Wish governmments would really start being more pro active when it comes to illegal wild bird trade


New member
Sep 5, 2012
This is why birds go missing from the population and become endangered animals, there is a reason why they cost 300,400 hundred here because they where raised as pets breaded as pets you catch a wild bird it could have been looking for food to feed its family or looking for a stick to build a nest now it's missing baby's die and eggs can't hatch,I have a macaw and some Indian guy(not racist just easy to explain better)said in my country we catch those wild then sell them and i told him you should go to jail,for touching wild life,and that's how animals go missing he said oh you don't know what you taking About,I'm from brooklyn,new York once he told me idk what I'm talking about I put my bird down and broke his jaw. I can't stand stupid people who think they know it all specially when it comes to birds and all you do is feed your bird mixed seeds clip there wings and have a African gray in a cage where a parakeet should be in.


May 6, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Birdy the Green Cheek Conure
I'd like to brighten the mood of this sombre thread by reminding you that there are plenty of good people out there too. :D

Parrot suffers from heat exhaustion
A parrot which fell from a tree during a hot day in Bhubaneswar, India, is given a cool bath by a villager to help the frazzled bird regain its composure on May 10, 2012.



New member
Nov 17, 2011
Eclectus Female - Audrey.
Art - Budgie.
Astro - Budgie.
Mini - Budgie, RIP gorgeous girl.
It is very sad that people capture the wild birds and keep them in tiny cages. :( But as Mudkips said, there are good people too! :) Its very nice that they gave the poor thing a bath in the heat, nawwww. I hope it was ok!


Dec 27, 2010
Boston area, MA
All we in West can do is make sure any birds we buy are captive-bred, and to educate educate educate!

That parrot getting cooled off looks very happy! Bless that human! ;)


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Long island
Pepsi and sprite, both are American male budgies
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Thanks mudkip , your all right, there all right, most people in Pakistan keep them for a few months than release them. As an example, my mom didn't like that I wanted a pet bird at first, she thought I would keep him in a cage his whole life, when I told her that people take thier birds outside she said WHAT !!!!!!! Nobody over thier bring thier birds out of thier cage, she would say what if they pooped on her coffe table or he flys away around the house then I told her that they're only aloud in 1 room, my mom doesn't believe still after showing her pictures of cockatoos , budgies, African grays outside on thier play gym or on somebodys shoulder. My mom wants me to release them because she said that a cage is " jail " for them, she's only saying that because I haven't completely tamed them yet because thier petshop budgies so it take a while longer to train them, but they are comfterble on my finger tho! I'm sure my mom will change her mind when I start bringing Pepsi out I think near the October,all i need to do is add the finger with a command . When my dad heard of my idea he said instead why won't you tie a price of rope to his leg ? I knew he was joking but I don't really take these topics a laughing matter, since I'm the only one in the family who is a bird lover and knows how to care for them


New member
Nov 17, 2023
so every year I visit India and Pakistan since Imy relatives live over thier. So most of you know that Indian ring necks roam wild over thier. Lots of people catch them and sell them. And I'm talking about WILD ones. Even tho the pak and indie government say its illegal , people are still selling them in BROAD DAYLIGHT. I bet you can go down any street and find people selling them . What makes me more mad is that they don't even large enough cages. The bird are squeezed into cramped cages and sold for 50 cents. And when people buy them they don't even take them out they live thier life in a cage. The only reason people want them is because they can talk.
Hi everyone i live in the UK and there s loads of green Indian ringnecks where i lve does anyone know how would be able to catch a couple


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2023
Windham, Maine
Budgies. Lotsa Budgies.
Hi everyone i live in the UK and there s loads of green Indian ringnecks where i lve does anyone know how would be able to catch a couple
Why would you want to capture them? They're wild birds now and happy. How could you put them in a cage after enjoying their freedom? Why not buy captive raised ones? They will be so much easier to handle.


Well-known member
2x Parrot of the Month 🏆
Jul 31, 2016
None. My wife has one too many. Kidding!
Why would you want to capture them? They're wild birds now and happy. How could you put them in a cage after enjoying their freedom? Why not buy captive raised ones? They will be so much easier to handle.
I agree with DB, for a number of reasons, practical and ethical. Good luck in your decisions.


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2022
Ur mom’s car
Ricochet - Cockatiel
Cricket - Budgie
I knew this was a thing in India (I had a huge insight to it due to an online friend, who lives there), but I never knew it was a thing in Pakistan… I’ve seen the sickening conditions of the parrots in India… cramped, several cockatiel-sized birds in shoebox sized cages, IRNs crammed in perchless cages, if my memory recalls fed sugar or rice, forced into filthy living conditions, etc. if it’s anything like that, I think I’m gonna lose more faith in humanity 🤠

I know, it’s just what’s known there and they don’t know better, but I still can’t help but feel horrible for those poor birds…

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