

New member
Dec 24, 2006
In Australia we call it nutri-grain. Its the the "Ironman food", but is it OK for My Corella?
He seems to like it, but I like McDonalds, and thats killing me.
Its a breakfast cereal, so that means it healthy,...Yes?
One thing you have to remember is that birds are like kids, one reason being that they will like "junk" food above all the other healthy foods (pellets). So in that case as long as you give it to them as a snack you should be ok, and remember too much snack is a bad thing seeds included. Fat is just as bad if not worse on a bird.
May I ask if you did any research about what foods are harmful to your breed of bird (I wouldn't know if it was diffrent from mine)
There are some really great food links on this forum, along with some tasty recipes.
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I was mostly worried about the sugar in the cereal.
I believe lettuce is a bad thing and so far thats about all.
Bucc loves Cereal of all sorts, he gets a little every now and then, I try to stay clear of any sugar at all, Bucc now has a little bowl that i will put cereal into, no sugar and milk mixed with water, Too much dairy product isn't really good for them as they can't digest it, shame really as I don't know a bird that doesn't like cheese. Bucc would do ANYTHING for a bit of cheese.

Chocolate and Avocado are a big no for Parrots.

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