"Chilly going green"


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Apr 13, 2013
Its been 3 days i found this buddy of mine, the alexendrine parrot. I have named him/her CHILLY. and he's may b only 3 wks old or less. but he is too smart then i thought he wud b.
we dnt get any handrearing formula here so everyone uses cerelac only.
i have tried a few times to feed him that. but as soon as i put give it to him he gets a taste of it somehow and then shudders his neck right and left and refuses to open his mouth.
SO i am now left with no option but to feed him with fruits and veggies.
I Mash so banana mix it with some orange juice and he somes running to me for more.
and his favourite are the sprouts. he is mad for them.
and he is such a sleepy head. he eats and goes for a long nap.
i dnt knw hw much he is sleeping at night,.
but during the day he takes 3 of 2 hrs each so total of 5-6 hrs during the day he is sleeping
IS this behavior ok with parrot babies????


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Jan 4, 2012
USA Georgia
Sugar the Blue Crown Conureā™‚, Merlin the Camelot Macawā™‚
you should NEVER EVER buy an unweaned parrot its so dangerous! and no reputable breeder would sell unweaned babies. You need to feed formula to the bird its what he/she needs at this age is to be fed baby bird formula every 4 hours!! and there are so many things that can go wrong with handfeeding do you know how to do it properly? what to look for to make sure the baby is healthy?? Its a huge job I suggest you find someone near you t handfeed this baby for you until it is weaned.


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I Didnt bought it my friend.
i found it in a mini forest cum park near my home.
i dnt know what what her mother fed her then.
i am nor force feeding him.
he was dehydrated when i brought him home.
and i have researched a lot about how to feed and what to and he is gaining weight and looks more greener then before.


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Jan 26, 2013
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I hate to be negative in anyway, but wow... MarciaLove is absolutely correct. I understand that you are trying to take care of this bird and that's a wonderful thing, but he needs to be taken to a breeder. You say that you researched a lot, but here you are already feeding solid foods. I realize they are mashed, but you are feeding far too much sugar. I also understand that maybe he doesnt want the formula, but you're reinforcing this behavior. There is a correct way to offer the formula as well. I feel I know more than most about weaning babies (knowledge, not practice - I would never do it) and I would never take on such an important task.

Again, good for you for taking this bird in, but I would definitely get him to someone that truly knows how to wean him.


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i know that daer you all wanna help him and me too.
but indian red neck and alex parrot are banned in my country to b kept in captivity and to b sold in market.
and this was done to save them becoz they were caught from the forest and sold for a good money.
so the goverment has put a ban if anybody found rearing them he gets a 6 months imprisonment.
the only thing i can do is leave him there where i found him.
and there is a 99 prcnt chance he wont survive the predators.
so you have to help me mates.
if i am giving him too much sugar and he is not accepting the cerelac.
what next should i do.


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Jan 4, 2012
USA Georgia
Sugar the Blue Crown Conureā™‚, Merlin the Camelot Macawā™‚
I understand your situation I had the same thing happen to me once long long ago before I was knowledgeable about weaning It was a baby cardinal I took it to an animal sanctuary where they rehabilitate injured or abandoned wildlife is there something like that near you??


Feb 10, 2013
Will he take it if you mix the fruits and cerelac together? He is very young for whole foods so take extra care to mash it all very well and make it thin enough for him. I'm glad to hear he is gaining weight. Keep searching for a more well balanced diet for him. have you looked on-line for home made handfeeding diets? I understand you are in a tough spot. I am hoping he does well for you.


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Feb 14, 2012
GuangZhou China - Hong Kong
Tango: Alexandrine
Talon: congo african grey
Himansh, I understand your situation. Don't listen to people who are judging you without knowing the situation, they mean well but don't understand things are different in other countries. I was the same way before I moved to China.

Tango was also a difficult eater as a baby. I think what you should try if he likes the banana is you should mix some of the cerelac in with the banana and fruit mix. Gradually use more cerelac and less fruit and Chilly will get used to the taste of the cerelac. Tango also used to shake his head around too.

He'll get used to it. He is so cute and I wish you best of luck! Let me know if you have any more questions.


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Feb 14, 2012
GuangZhou China - Hong Kong
Tango: Alexandrine
Talon: congo african grey
try feeding chilly off a plastic spoon like this. The soft plastic is easy on the beak. Put a little of the cerelac + fruit mix on the end of the spoon and see if he'll go for it.

I believe that once he tastes the cerelac with the fruit and orange juice he'll start to like the taste and after a few feeding times he'll be willing to eat only the cerelac.


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Nov 24, 2010
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Himansh4u, I agree with MrSquak.....mix the banana in the Cerelac, and if you have the Cerelac with the milk powder, try the plain and mix with some apple juice or orange juice only.....can you obtain meal-worms in your part of the Middle East? If you can, you might want to try one or two of those to see if he will eat them (you may have to mash them or cut them up as that would be how his parents would have served them as he got older.....they are 100% protein and Alexandrines are fed bugs, insects and worms by their parents.....

It is good that you found him and took him home with you.....both the dogs and monkeys would have eaten him if they found him before you did.....
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Feb 14, 2012
GuangZhou China - Hong Kong
Tango: Alexandrine
Talon: congo african grey
Yeah, It's really a great thing you did rescuing Chilly. It will be worth all the trouble because Chilly will be a great friend to you for many years.

All day I look forward to coming home to my girlfriend and having tango fly over and land on my head and flap his wings to say hello. Probably misses me more than my girlfriend!


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Feb 14, 2012
GuangZhou China - Hong Kong
Tango: Alexandrine
Talon: congo african grey
Dont panic.

Find foods he likes the smell and tastes and mix them in blender and add some power also. You can buy bird vitiamin drops also which can help.

Use a plastic smaller spoon and let him more so feed himself. Bird know how to eat. Seems you are doing ok.

AS long as something is coming out you are ok.

Feel for the CROP. You can look up good photos and more online. it is in the froint and when full you can see it on that little guy and also feel it.

Feed him several times a day if need. My guy I had to get up for night time feedings.

Later as he gets older you can add in finely crushed pelet foods and as each week goes on add in bigger pieces with powder and so on... Then give him the bowl later to feed out of.

PS this is the REAL Mr. Squaks ;-)

The MRS ;-)


My Hope luv and care are with you. Contact us any time.


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Feb 14, 2012
GuangZhou China - Hong Kong
Tango: Alexandrine
Talon: congo african grey
For those posting how HE SHOULD NOT HELP a POOR LOST and DEAD to be BIRD is ridiculous !!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE refrain from saying this about that and OFFER HELP !!!!!!!!!!

YOU DO REALIZE, not everyone lives in the USA and can just hope to a vet or store and reach out to a shelter or ANYTHING !!!

Some places it is YOU and LIFE.


He is MY HERO for TRYING. That damn bird was dead from second one and he is at least giving him a chance to survive and from what I can see FOUND A GREAT FRIEND AND HOME.

If he left him there, we would get to see picture of a DEAD PARROT !!!!!!!!!!!! Half Eaten.

This way, he is taking a chance to give the guy his life back for another day.



Mr. Squaks, Talon, Tango, Pecaso Pete, Willy, and the Party Parrots.

PLUS ME !!! Dr ADAMA in China !


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Jan 4, 2012
USA Georgia
Sugar the Blue Crown Conureā™‚, Merlin the Camelot Macawā™‚
I was not saying he shouldnt help the bird! I think its great hes trying I was just saying its a huge responsibility and if someone nearby more experienced could help it would be better for the bird but if no one can help but him its great hes doing it!


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Feb 14, 2012
GuangZhou China - Hong Kong
Tango: Alexandrine
Talon: congo african grey

I never point finger and never will


Just saying our opinions dont matter the life of the bird does and YES trying to find local help is good but what he is doing is illegal there.

;-) AND I KNOW YOU were helping. I am just hoping to stop the negative comments. This person is under a lot of stress right now and so is the little guy. The less stress they are the bird will get positive energy to Struggle and Survive.

It sucks in these countries.

I am in China and we have 2 great guys. I have another with my Mother in the USA, but we cant even bring them home again due to bird flu bullssss here and the usa is closed to them now.

I am just upset about Boston and Things I see here (china) and everywhere.

I just want to see here the positive and happy forums my Husband loves to visit. He is really upset to about this poor little guy he has never touched felt or held.

Animals are the most precious life on earth.

Happiness is needed everywhere and I worry this guy gets spooked or worried and he wont keep asking for help.


and share a SMILE TODAY ;-)


New member
Feb 14, 2012
GuangZhou China - Hong Kong
Tango: Alexandrine
Talon: congo african grey
Ha, well as my better half said (we share this account as well as our two featherheads), we're all just trying to help. EVERYONE on this board is a bird lover and wants what's best.

Himansh, best of luck for you and Chilly and I can tell you that everyone on here is ready to help as much as they can.


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Apr 13, 2013
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thnx to all of you.
i did this i mashed a banana and mixed it with half a spoon cerelac and he took it.
sorry i dont have access to worms here.
he takes his feed from the syringe.
can you plz suggest other fruits which i can mash mix with cerelac and feed him.
and how much frequently i should feed him.


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Oct 8, 2012
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cudo's to you for saving this little one!!, You sure have your heart in the right place.
I breed many types of birds, but I've not done IRN's.
when feeding a parrot, taste and nutrition is everything so they grow normally, and healthy.
Have you tried mashing vegetables, they have more nutrients and less sugar, which some members are concerned about.

I am not familiar with Cerelac, so I looked it up, it's rice based. Since I don't know much about this product, I do know rice based formulas are more for the finch species,and not designed for parrots.
but I guess if it's doing the job, then that is wonderful. I would not switch now as it may cause intestinal upset.
just remember to keep everything STERILE(extremely clean) and I would start introducing veggies.

we are all encouraging you to do what is right.
Maybe you were meant to be at the park that day, at that time, to find him/her.


New member
Feb 14, 2012
GuangZhou China - Hong Kong
Tango: Alexandrine
Talon: congo african grey
Tango's favorite veggies are corn and carrots and they are both pretty nutritious and healthy for the bird.

For fruit, he likes grapes, mango and papaya.

At that age you should be feeding maybe 3-4 times daily.

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