COckatiel Cage bar spacing


New member
Nov 15, 2017
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Hello, I have a cage that has 3/4 inch bar spacing and I was wandering if this would be too large for my cockatiel? I've read on multiple websites that it would be appropriate but i wanted to double check with people who may know better than some of the websites. So, what do you all think? Its a very large cage and that is most likely why the bar spacing is so far apart but I can always resell it.
Thanks in advance! :)
How close to your Tiel face can you get a finger?

Predetermine, which finger is similar to your Tiel's head width. As you come-up to your Tiel's face adjust between your first and second joints and which ever is smaller that is your maximum size bar spacing.

I have Amazons and I like to keep the spacing on the small size. Guessing at and calling a larger spacing; 'kind of okay' is fine until your Parrot hangs itself!

Just My Two Cents!
I agree with everyone! Definitely a bit too big. [emoji4]

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3/4 inch I would be wary of

as said above 1/2 inch or 5/8 would be the best. You can get some really good and big cages with that bar spacing if you look hard enough

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