cockatiel poo


New member
Oct 6, 2006
Orlando, FL / Austin, TX
Misty ~ Cockatiel,
Sidney ~ Jenday Conure,
Paulie ~ Blue Crowned Conure
Ok so everyone that has egg laying birds knows that their poo gets all nast when they are laying my question is Misty hasn't layed an egg in 8 days and still had huge nasty smelly poos! I was wondering how long after eggs it should take to return to normal??? I am thinking about taking her to the vet when she finishes the medicine he gave us that should be if it hasn't changed in a week cuz I was wondering if the medicine could cause her to be runny? Anyways I just need advice about how long it take's yalls birds to return to normal thanks
and although this is a gross subject
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY do yall do that over sees?
yes yes, your avian vet (see my last post in the hiccup thread) I guess medicine could be doing it too ... but you know, check with the vet.
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ok 1 for going to the vet BTW Tex where is you sun conure description for my sight :)
Right Leo, my tiel, can have that for about a week after finishing laying. In saying that I would keep a close eye on her and if there is no change then take her to the vet. Its always better safe than sorry. Even while egg laying Leo's poop isn't really very runny, but runnier than usual.

Meds can also have that effect on them, male or female, no not the egg laying :) ,

I'll also be getting togeter some pics and info on my lot, then you can use what you want or need.
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ok thanks guys I have two possibiltys about maybe rehoming her if she won't stop laying one is a zoo where they have a HUGE walk through aviary just for cockatiels and budgies and the other would be the store I got her at that keeps quite a few "store birds" and I'm always researching trying to find new places but I like the zoo one

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