Constantly trying to regurgitate...normal?


New member
Apr 25, 2015
GW Macaw, CAG, eclectus (Kiwi- RIP)
Lately it seems I can rarely take our CAG out of its cage without it starting to drop its wings, make cooing sounds and try to regurgitate. Sometimes it happens about 15 minutes after he’s on his perch, sometimes its as soon as he steps up on my hand. He’ll also regurgitate on its metal bell if he’s in his cage sometimes.
Should we be concerned?
Yep it's that time of the year. Brady does that on me and on her bell but saves all the food offerings for me alone. The bell is just a cheap stand in for me so she doesn't feed it. LOL
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It will often start with him wanting me to scratch his head, he’ll lower his head and begin to scratch it, then he drops his wings and starts pumping his head. When he gets like this, nothing gets him out of it...not even his favourite treat like a yummy almond. :)

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