
Mar 29, 2015
Solly is a male, one year old in January. He was the sweetest parrot ever. He never bit someone before. But in August, my brother came to visit me and it looked like he was jealous. He was attacking him for no reason. After that I went to my brothers house and it appears that Solly knew it wasn’t his house and he was extremely well behaved all the time. Later, he started getting mad at the other parrot grabbing his food. And about a month ago, he started attacking me every time he sees me with a bottle, perfume or if I was opening a package. I thought that it was the noise that he didn’t like. But a few days ago, he started attacking me everytime he sees me or anyone grabbing something, even if it doesn’t make noise. If he sees we have something in our hand he attacks. He is always watching us like waiting for us to grab something and attack. I do not know whats wrong with him and why he started doing this. Any advice on how can I correct this behavior?He became very aggressive every time I grab something.
I think conures are a little moody creatures. Sometimes they get obsessed about some certain stuff and they don't forget easily. If I were you, I would try to make Solly feel safe. My conure becomes aggressive when he feels insecure. Is Solly always out? If yes, I would try to limit his time out a little so that he can watch people while feeling safe in his cage and hopefully realize that someone grabbing a food or anything does not mean they are threatening him. I would be little patient as if I just got a new bird and trying to introduce him to his new house. Patience is the key when dealing with conures :) We went through this "taking things easy" phase couple of times with my conure in last 4 years and it worked every single time. I hope it works for you too.
Have you done any target training with Solly?
sounds like he's learnt to bite people. I'm guessing whenever he has bitten people he got put back in his cage? If so stop doing that immediately.

Whenever a bite happens you tell them "no" firmly but calmly and put them either on the floor or on the back of a chair and completely ignore them for a minute (no eye contact at all) then once the minute is up you go back and let them rejoin you. There's no punishment but it teaches them that when they do the thing you don't like then all fun stops

There will be a reason for the biting to occur in his eyes. It could be he thinks whatever you're holding is attacking you. In the wild if a mate is being threatened but not running away the other bird will attack their mate to get them to run away. I had exactly that happen in regards to my conure over a hoody I would wear.

Like said above remember it's not their fault, they don't bite for fun, there's a reason behind every bite be it a taught behavior where they get a reward when they bite like the cage or the human flailing and making noise like a big squeaky toy. It's working the WHY out which is the tricky part

lastly don't spray perfume around your bird, 99.99999999% of them are toxic to birds so only do so when you are about to leave the home and do it in a separate room from the cage
lastly don't spray perfume around your bird, 99.99999999% of them are toxic to birds so only do so when you are about to leave the home and do it in a separate room from the cage

A very good point LordTriggs!
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Ok I will try to do that! I think it kind of works when I say NO to him! And I dont spray perfume, but when im cleaning and I grab the body sprays, or bottles of water, juice etc he attacks me.
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There will be a reason for the biting to occur in his eyes. It could be he thinks whatever you're holding is attacking you. In the wild if a mate is being threatened but not running away the other bird will attack their mate to get them to run away. I had exactly that happen in regards to my conure over a hoody I would wear.

Really? I didn’t know that. But yes he attacks me and immediately I let go off the bottle or whatever I have in my hands, and then he attacks that item.
The thing is that he started doing this about a month ago. Its not like he had never seen those things and he thinks are bad.
yeah I didn't know it either until I was looking things up on biting after my conure went nuts at me. Turns out he thought the hoody I was wearing was clearly a demon attacking me so I needed to be saved. You can never be too sure what sets them off, just work on correction and redirection
Turns out he thought the hoody I was wearing was clearly a demon attacking me so I needed to be saved. You can never be too sure what sets them off, just work on correction and redirection
this made me lol :D:D:D:D My GCC thinks things with dark color are dangerous and they make him scream like fire alarm lol
sounds like he's learnt to bite people. I'm guessing whenever he has bitten people he got put back in his cage? If so stop doing that immediately.

Whenever a bite happens you tell them "no" firmly but calmly and put them either on the floor or on the back of a chair and completely ignore them for a minute (no eye contact at all) then once the minute is up you go back and let them rejoin you. There's no punishment but it teaches them that when they do the thing you don't like then all fun stops

There will be a reason for the biting to occur in his eyes. It could be he thinks whatever you're holding is attacking you. In the wild if a mate is being threatened but not running away the other bird will attack their mate to get them to run away. I had exactly that happen in regards to my conure over a hoody I would wear.

Like said above remember it's not their fault, they don't bite for fun, there's a reason behind every bite be it a taught behavior where they get a reward when they bite like the cage or the human flailing and making noise like a big squeaky toy. It's working the WHY out which is the tricky part

lastly don't spray perfume around your bird, 99.99999999% of them are toxic to birds so only do so when you are about to leave the home and do it in a separate room from the cage

And sometimes it's an "I want THAT!" tantrum. My BCC would bite my hand when I grabbed the milk jug. Finally figured out she wants the blue cap off the jug. Now we buy milk in a carton. :D
Instead of trying to correct the behavior, we could instead try to change it...

If he doesn't like the bottles, we could always place treats around the bottles so he associates good things around the bottles.

Likewise, we could reward calm behavior whenever he's near them so he learns to ignore them.

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