Couple questions


New member
Apr 21, 2015
love bird called Mango
I have a new baby Mango love him to bits already he is such a character. I have had him for almost a week now & he has bonded with me in the first 24hrs. Could have saved a fortune on a cage lol he wants to be with me 24/7 which is fine with me I can't walk very well so am home all the time so we spend all day together.
He is only a baby just weaned what I want to know is he won't eat the small parrot seed the lady I got him from said he was eating millet so I go him some millet sprigs & he loves them but I have read it isn't good for him to just eat that all the time. I haven't worried too much for now as I am just glad he is eating something. I have started to break some off the sprig & put into his seed dish is that the right thing to do? I figured if he eats it out of his dish it might encourage him to eat the other seed as well.
Also I hate that he sleeps on the floor of his cage in the corner. Lady said he had come out of a brooder so I guess that is why. I bought him a hammock which he loves thru the day he gets in it plays in it on it all over it I was hoping he would sleep in it but just goes back to the floor. Should I put something on floor for him to sleep in or should I not encourage him to stay there.
When he is out of cage with me he want to burrow head first under my arm or hands he seems to love to be covered up with something & when he is he goes straight to sleep lol . I cover him round 6ish & he goes to sleep.
He is a real darling. Already lays on his back for tummy rubs. I hope I am doing ok with him he seems happy & healthy any advice would be appreciated.
How old is he?
Lovies are "cavity nesters". We got a hanging, plush "snuggle hut" tent-like thing, and they love it. When they're asleep, you can see just their little beaks inside the entrance. Keeps them nice and warm if it cools down at night, too.

BTW, a steady diet of millet (if I understand correctly) is kind of like a diet of chocolate for a child. We got ours eating Harrison's small-parrot pellet food which, I understand, is a good staple food. Fresh veggies & fruit are excellent supplements (and a source of crucial vitamins) and, if the bird views them as a curiosity, may try some. Or, just pitch it onto the floor:rolleyes:

Regardless, variety of foods is important. Ours will eat almost anything...if WE'RE eating it!

Another thing that all our birds like is...chicken bones (cooked, of course, with a little meat left on them). Somehow the idea is vaguely disturbing, I know, but they seem to love 'em. Our vet told us he recommends this, as they're a great source of proteins, calcium, etc. The birds all crunch the bones right down to bits...
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I think he is about 10wks old. He has a snuggle hammock he loves it thru the day but won't sleep in it at night . I have tried him on fruit etc but he isn't slightest bit interested in it have tried him while he is out on me I eat it try to get him to try it but no lol I have tried it in his cage as well I am sure as he gets bit older he will eventually have some. Will try the chicken bones I know my cockatiel used to love eating off my plate & loved chicken. Thanks for your advice.
He is very young still so it's possible he has regressed and needs some formula or some sort of soft mushy food. I had a Parrotlet that was the same age and he had regressed too, he would only eat millet as well.
I don't know if this will work for you but here's a few tricks.
I learned with my tiel. He likes Brown/beige food.

He loves sunflower seeds which he can have only a little. I eat the roasted salted kind and one day I was eating them when he was out. He decided he wanted the one in my hand and he took it.

Since then I give him one or 2 when he is out with me. I rub it between my fingers to remove the salty coating. He learned what the jar looks like.

Well one day not really thinking I put some of his pellets and other food in an empty clean sunflower jar. He then decided that more of his mix was edible. He also started eating his pellets.

You might also try getting some broccoli and putting just the tips in the food. Also there are plenty of tips for converting fids. I learned about the broccoli here.

When my keet came home he wasn't eating and I had to tempt him with millet. Then he only picked out the Miller from his food. He's eating better now but it's still a work in progress.
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He is very young still so it's possible he has regressed and needs some formula or some sort of soft mushy food. I had a Parrotlet that was the same age and he had regressed too, he would only eat millet as well.

When I first got him he would get my finger in his mouth like he was hungry & flap his wings & make chirping sounds. I gave him some of my mums mix she does up for her Lorrie & he loved it ate it out of a bent spoon he had that for a couple of days till I tried him on the millet then he didn't want it anymore. His crop is full he is happy will keep persisting with the lil bits of different things to see what he likes, today at lunch he had a nibble on my wholemeal bread I think if he is going to try new things it will be whatever I am eating. I really appreciated everyone's input. :rainbow1:
He is probably just very picky then.

It might be a good idea to get him checked out at an Avian Vet to make sure he isn't sick in any way.

Is his crop emptying properly?
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Yes his crop is emptying & today he is in his seed dish eating other seed yippee. He is starting to be interested in what I am eating had a nibble on some beans last night. I think he is just a baby so will slowly start trying new things. He likes to wander around beside me so have started leaving some fruit veg in dish where he can have a try.

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