Cozy Up?


Active member
Mar 24, 2018
Upstate New York
GCC Pineapple
I have a Pineapple Conure that loves to snuggle up to a hanging toy when napping in the afternoon.
Would like to be able to give him something even better to cozy up to. He really loved his HUT but we all know the dangers of that so I removed it a year ago.
Question would be if anyone has an idea of something even better than his hanging toy. I realize that, no matter what, he may still choose the toy but just curious as to any other ideas.

Sorry for the poor image quality but had to take from a distance.


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I was going to suggest the rope globe, since one of mine loves to sleep in his - but he’s already got one in there lol. I have a couple of toys that look like an octopus of beads and one of mine will sleep under it, holding a strand of beads in one foot. None of the rest of mine really cuddle up to anything.
Beaks and Feets Parrot Toys (on facebook only, located in Australia) have little sleep hugs/play tunnels made from wood and leather, hence safe for parrots. Apart from having to remember to remove if the bird starts displaying hormonal behaviour, you may like this as an optional cage toy?
You can use those sea grass mats and make your own hut. Or make a cardboard one. I've done both and when chewed up I made my own. I made it out of canvas fabric , it's held up and she isn't chewing, it's kinda of like a hamic and I used zip ties to hang. My girl has always had one, with no behavior problems. Or you can use a cage cover at night. I know the majority here are against such. But my first GCC had a night home for 17 years without issues or breeding behavior, and my current has had for five. Threads are deadly, but you can get creative with safer material.
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