Do I need a cage rack/grate?


New member
Sep 3, 2023
Green Cheek Conure
I have a 5 month old GCC. I have a lovely spacious cage for him, however there is no grate at the bottom. He loves to go exploring on the floor at times.
I of course clean his cage regularly, however I've had conflicting information online if it's necessary to have the grate or not for their safety.

He seems very happy and healthy

Is it worth changing my cage to include one or keep the cage as it is?

I have a 5 month old GCC. I have a lovely spacious cage for him, however there is no grate at the bottom. He loves to go exploring on the floor at times.
I of course clean his cage regularly, however I've had conflicting information online if it's necessary to have the grate or not for their safety.

He seems very happy and healthy

Is it worth changing my cage to include one or keep the cage as it is?

I never used grates in my budgies' cages because every small toys can fall out of their reach. Plus grates get very dirty caked with dried poop if you don't wash them very frequently. I prefer to just change the cage paper as frequently as necessary. None of my birds have ever eaten their poop so I don't worry about it.
I never used grates in my budgies' cages because every small toys can fall out of their reach. Plus grates get very dirty caked with dried poop if you don't wash them very frequently. I prefer to just change the cage paper as frequently as necessary. None of my birds have ever eaten their poop so I don't worry about it.
Same. I don’t really like cage grates because they’re harder to clean. Plus, my Quaker in particular likes to play on the bottom of his cage. I change the paper daily and never really have problems with birds getting poop stuck on them or anything. If a cage comes with a grate, I take it out. 🙂
My cage has one, but I keep the paper on top of the grate. My bird doesn’t chew the paper in her big cage so it works for me. Way easier to clean. So no, I don’t think you need the grate. I even took the grate out of her sleep cage.
I don't like cage grates personally. My birds like to go to the floor of the cage and I worry about them getting their feet hurt, plus they're a nightmare to clean. I just use newspaper at the bottom of the cages and replace it each day
I have both grated and ungrated cages. The grated cage I lay paper over the grate. In my experience it's up to personal choice whether you like grated or ungrated cages. :) I prefer grated myself, because the cage paper lays nicer on the bottom of the cage, LOL!

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