Do zons "purr" and why??


New member
Nov 15, 2013
South Africa
Percy, a 5yo BFA & Jack, a 8yo Budgie
Percy is making this weird purring/soft growling noise when he's on my shoulder. It sounds like its coming from his chest, not his beak like a whistle (hope that makes sense!)

Do you guys know this sound? Why does he do it? Is something wrong with him?
Growling is normal. I don't think I've ever heard purring...

The thing to watch out for is a crackling noise (almost like rice crispies) from the chest, which indicates a vitamin A deficiency... Amazons are prone to that one.
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Thanks Birdman. Definately no rice crispy sounds, thank goodness. Also, he doesn't do it all the time, only when he's on my shoulder.
Do you get the "amazon perfume?" i.e. a musky smell when he is doing it?!

If so, it is an indication of affection.
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I get the perfume A LOT these days! It smells like honey & cinnamon to me (with a bit of birdy feather smell in there too). Affection, eh? That's the best news I've had all day!
That (amazon perfume), preening you, displaying for you, and regurging for you, are your bird's way of saying I love you.
My red lored gets on my shoulder, and curls up into a ball with her head upside down.

My blue front used to fly to me before both feet were even in the door, and then do her little display number, and put her head upside down in my eye socket...

When these birds love, they love. Amazons are fierce in many ways... Those two zons both were as devoted a creature as you would ever find, and were fiercely protective of me.

My guess is you are about to experience that first hand...
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I have never heard Dexter or Slater do it, but both Ki & Cally are doing it. They do it whenever I put their veggies in the cage, and the whole time they are being misted. I think it is a sound of contentment:)

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