Does this mean this parrot picked me



hi guys

i need a bit of help, i went to a pet shop that sells greys as i walked in to the shop a baby gray (the man said 10 months) didnt stop looking at me and as i was walking up and down he was following me everywhere (he had free range of the shop) as he landed on a play stand i was next to i said to him "whats up mate you want me to take you home" with that he put this foot on my hand and sat on me for about the next 45 mins or so. the man in the shop said to me thats strange he doesnt normaly do that to people he is quite shy (dont know if that was sales talk) but then my partner come over to us and the bird didnt pay any attention to him and just keeped nuzzling my neck.... did he pick me????

Many thanks guys
SOunds like you have been when are you taking him home????;)
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im not sure because its from a pet shop i would much rather get one from a breeder.......... what are the pros and cons with pet shops or breeders ??
you are one lucky bird. who cares where the bird comes from--people often adopt rescues with unclear or unknown pasts (as I did), and they are wonderful additions to a family. it's all about your relationship with the bird--and this one already likes you. wow!
Nice! The down side to stores, each depending, is that you can't be sure who raised your bird. Ask for the number of the breeder and see if you can visit their aviary. Was the baby hand reared or parent? Also, pet store animals have a habit of being flighty because there are always kids and adults poking fingers in their face and handling them. If the bird is this friendly the odds are it was raised and cared for well, but I'd still ask for a contact number.
You were definitely picked!! LOL, congrats!!

If you were picked, odds are it's not going to matter where the bird comes from (breeder vs pet store), as you can have terrible breeders and you can have wonderful, knowledgeable pet stores. Not to mention those who have adopted rescue birds with unknown backgrounds (such as my own Sugar), and if you've been chosen, your relationship will come much more naturally than it possibly could from a bird that you simply bought from a breeder and had no choice in the matter. My Sugar definitely chose me and my relationship with her is much easier than any relationship I've had with any other bird I've ever had in my care.
Pet store Cons
A lot of people poking at birds
People saying stupid things to birds
You never know what filth (disease wise) someone might walk in with - you don't know if they might have a sick bird at home and could be transferring to the birds in the store
Don't know who the breeder was

Pet Store Pros
Bird is used to a variety of other birds/animals
Bird may be well socialized
*Should* have a health guarantee for x-amount of days

[Great] Breeder Cons
You can't visit the babies
Birds may not be well socialized with a bunch of people
Birds may not be used to a variety of other animals besides birds
May not be able to see where your bird is coming from (house like as well as the parents care)

[Great] Breeder Pros
Would ensure that all birds eat a great diet
Would ensure that birds are healthy by minimizing the risk of contamination from sick birds
Would send you photos/videos of your chick as he/she is growing up (if they have time)
Should be willing to desensitize your bird to various objects
Willing to send home a flighted chick if you don't want your bird cilpped
Will have a health guarantee for x-amount of time (days? weeks?)

I say a great breeder, because a great breeder would be concerned about the health of their flock. If someone came in carrying a disease, and just one of the breeder's birds got sick, it could get to the rest of the birds in their flock, which would cost a lot of money to cure the sick birds, and they might even lose some. Nothing is worse than having to cull your entire flock because of one disease! At this point, there are some diseases that we don't even know how birds contract them.

After saying all that, it should be a no brainer that if we have birds of our own, we should keep away from places that may be filled of germs that could make our flock sick. I can't live in a bubble, and I'd rather have my flock build up immunities to what illnesses that they can rather than put them in a bubble and hope they don't get sick without that chance of building up immunities. Whether or not they actually can, who knows.

If you are going to buy from a pet store, try and make sure that it's a *GREAT* store to be supporting! If you are going to buy from a breeder, make sure that they are a fantastic breeder! Not all pet-stores are bad and not all breeders are good.

If you really connected with the grey, and this bird has no interest in anyone else, why not purchase the bird? Breeders are typically cheaper than pet stores, however, you may not find that same bond from a bird at a breeders home.

The only major concern I see is that the grey will want attention from you and only you. If he/she is not well socialized and trained to be handled by other people, he may become a one person bird. You can do this training yourself, so if you aren't afraid of that, why not?
I sure hope you were looking for a new companion because one certainly chose you! I think you have seen all the pros and cons but it boils down to this: don't worry about where the bird came from. the proper care would be the same if you bought it from a breeder or pet store. Proper diet should be given and you would watch for any signs of illness no matter where it came from. If you were looking to buy a grey, I would recommend getting that one. My amazon has no choice to "chose" me. I hope she prefers me when she has had enough adjustment time but she might not. You have won half the battle! The rest will be fine.
You didn't mean that you leave their without him? :eek: (sorry)
Do what your heart told you, go back and visit him a second time and see what happens. (and get some more information about breeders, e.t.c)
You didn't mean that you leave their without him? :eek: (sorry)
Do what your heart told you, go back and visit him a second time and see what happens. (and get some more information about breeders, e.t.c)

I agree... go back and see how he/she reacts... Let your mate go up to him/her 1st and see what happens...

I my Abby came from a great breeder but she was only use to having 3 people handle her... she is just now getting friendly with others.

Plus she is adapting to the 11 year Grey I took in about 2 months ago..

Good Luck and keep us posted.
OK I am a breeder and the # 1 thing is the bird picked u!!!! Go back and try it again, if the bird still loves u, buy the bird!!!! Even if u find a breeder that new baby might not pick u!!! Ask questions from the store, did the bird see a vet, age, and see if they have proof or paper work to back it. If u r happy with the store BUY THE BIRD!!!! lol it is very hard to find that bond so don't pass on it!!! Good luck!!!
Sounds like a perfect match! Can't wait to hear what happened!!

I had a similar experience with a CAG in a local pet store, but sadly, I couldn't afford the $1800 they were asking for him. If you have the resources, I'd say that you should definitely be bringing that CAG home. You have been chosen. :)
You have been chosen my friend you should buy the bird.


The bird is probely socialized well
Is used to other parrots
He probely has a health guaranteed receipt or something


He could have a disease from the other parrots,other animals in the shop

He might be not as brave or confident for humans( in your case he is because he sa on your hand and LOVES you)

In conclusion GET THE BIRD . It could be destiney. There's not much of a difference between a reliable petshop or breeder bird
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Many thanks guys.....

ok went back to the shop on sunday and the same bird was there was asleep i got my partner to walk over and talk to him bird didnt move i went over and said hello got up and come over to me. With the cash in my pocket i went up to the bloke who owns the shop... this is what happend next

ME: "hello mate i would like to buy this bird"
Shop Keeper " sorry mate that one is sold"

i cried i should of gone with my gut and got it the first time i went in there i was so upset.. but i did ask the bloke about all the questions people have put on here and he wasnt to sure on a few of them so i was a bit worried about that. i just hope i havent missed my once in a life time chance.

again many thanks to the poeple of this forum you are all aces in my book.
Go back to the shop (or call) and leave your name and address to the new buyer.
Perhaps they change their mind when they see/heard of the bond you have with the bird already. Or if they later on not can have the parrot left for some reason.
it sounds like he has chosen you! Touching story! What kind of grey. Timneh or congo. Congos have bright red tails and timnehs have either a black or dark maroon tail feathers. Also dont worry about getting them from a pet shop. I got one of my dogs from a pet store and it is amazing. Both of my parrots are from stores. Boo my conure is from petsmart.... ik bad idea but he was well socialized and is super healthy and my african grey is from an exotic pet store that sold exotic birds, parrots, exoticrodents, exotic reptiles and exotic fish. They hand fed and raised there birds. I saw the baby cockateils and macaws in separate encubators all happy and healthy and they were really healthy. T hey also were super socialized. They are always vet checked andit was a very clean envoirment. Have fun with your new bird! They will not only touch your heart but they willl change you and make you the happiest person alive.

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