Does Your Grey "Chicken Scratch"?


New member
May 22, 2012
Indianapolis, In
Tookie (my Grey) will get down and roam around frequently, but he likes to walk around, grab the carpet and chicken scratch with his claws. Is this a normal behavior? I do his nails on a regular basis so no issues with them being to long or too short. Fortunately I watch him closely and kind of discourage this action as he did get a hold of the carpet one time and took some tufts out of it.
My CAG chicken scratches also...when we go out to the front yard to play she grabs a beak full of grass and scratches with her feet. Doesn't seem to do it for any particular reason although I think I remember reading about greys foraging on the ground naturally.
So funny...I haven't heard of anyone else's bird doing this.


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Chloe does the same thing in the newspaper lining the floor of her playtop. That's how I started calling her a "Turkey Butt" with her red feathers up in the air, and now she says it constantly! I'm so proud :) lol
Pepper sometimes chicken scratches in her bowl of pellets! LOL!
If I came home and didn't immediately took my AG out of her cage she would scratch at the botom of the cage trying to escape - "prison brake" stile....
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Heheheh, thanks for all the replies. I kind of remember now hearing it was a normal act. I guess I can cancel that psychological exam for Tookie now. My exam is still on though.
Yup, but she only does it when I'm cleaning the kitchen and she's locked in her cage! She does it in the corner of the cage that's closest to me over in the kitchen.
(she wants out so she can get to under the sink and make a nest down there. She's a bit hormonal right now).
Babu does this in his food bowl...usually looking for what he likes and tossing out the rest.

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