Dyha and cag in same cage


New member
Aug 31, 2013
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5 year old CAG GIZMO
4 year old DYHA RIO
4 month old greenwing macaw Myha
2 year old CAG ROXY
12 year old rescue CAG MARLEY
15 year old rescue CAG SMOKEY
Does anyone have 2 different species of parrots in the same cage is it a bad idea putting a DYHA in big cage with a CAG
It all depends on the personalities involved. Some birds can do it and some can't. If it fails the first time, please don't try it again. Zons don't change their mind on such things. I have been to the Oasis Sanctuary several times and notice they often pair Amazon's with other large birds, mostly toos and macaws. Zons are very adaptable but if they don't like something, they will try and kill it.. PS don't ever intro a bird into another birds cage. Put them in a new cage at the same time but be ready to save thr CAG.
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When I didn't know any better, I put my young cockatiel and GCC together in a cage after they became very close. They were 4 and 3 months old and they've been growing up like siblings.
But now I have them in separate cages and will keep it that way. They spend time together when they're outside of their cages, but I think it's safer to keep them separate when I can't supervise them.

Hopefully someone with more experience will post, but from my currently-limited experience with Greys (I've only had my baby for 6 months) and zero experience with Amazons, I don't think it would be a good idea to house them together. It's my understanding that Amazons are quite different from Greys in typical behavior, and I feel like it could get dangerous if they're kept in the same cage.

Your grey probably wouldn't appreciate having a new roommate.
Depends on the birds and how well they get along.

Usually, not a good idea.

My CAG and my Lilac crowned are buddy birds. That would actually work for them... (well, to the extent that the door to that cage doesn't close. None of mine have been caged in so long, that they really would probably all have a hard time with it.)

But most would argue. Especially during hormonal periods when zons (DYHA's especially) tend to become rather protective of their cages... and CAG's can be quite pissy about "don't mess with my stuff."

I have to agree with Henpecked. With a zon you will probably know in a relatively short period of time...
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I have to ask, why would you want to do that? I don't think it would benefit eithers interest. The Oasis does it ot conserve space and company for plucking birds. I guess i wonder what your situation is.
The only reason I can think to do something like this is to give the bird a "bird buddy."
I was only considering it was gonna buy a big new cage so there's no dominance my DYHA is only 3 months old my CAG is 2 yrs old they have known each other now since September my CAG seems the dominant one there's been no fighting so far just the CAG telling him to get away nothing serious my only concern is when the DYHA becomes hormonal think I mite just leave wouldn't wanna chance it
If your CAG is telling him to get away, how can that be a happy cage mate situation?!

That tells you all you need to know right there.
I'm moving home and space is a problem was just weighing up my options and just wanted advice i thought it was a bad idea but just thought I'd ask anyway just gonna stick with there original cages
Even though my 'zon loves everybody and everything,and she TRIED to become friends with my TAG,the TAG could not stand Amy..Now my 'zon is friends with my 'too,but still,they need their own space.

Not gonna chance it my CAG dosant want to know my DYHA

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