Eating tips


New member
Nov 27, 2012
Ciry, Kira - B&G
Hello ! :)

So Ciry started to eat on her own quite a lot, but only things I noticed so far that she eats are bananas and biscuit / cookies :D We have tried several fruits and other stuff, but she just did not want it at all :p But when I mix her the cookies with banana, she can eat until her crop is full. SO my question is: is it OK for me to (for example) make her this banana/cookie mix every night or so?

I also tried to put pellets or nuts into this, but it is not the same for her and she doesnt want it as much as that pure mix.

Also, how can I make my own parrot bread? Or what other "unusuall" food would you recommend me? I am really not sure what to buy, because there is sugar in everything, just bad stuff for Ciry :)

And last, what I do with white yogurth? :)

Thanks a lot!
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I feed my 2 Macaws and my CAG the following mix and they love it, OK one Macaw only likes it I hard boil 3 eggs which I chop up in a large bowl I like to leave some egg pieces a decent size because they like holding the egg when they eat. To the hard boiled eggs I add some peanut butter along with pellets soaked in fruit juice. The juice not only softens the pellets but it makes it easier to mix the eggs and peanut butter together. I then add diced sweet potato that I microwave with water for about 2 minutes (drain the water) . I then add diced apples ,diced melon. chopped broccoli. I sometimes add pine nuts and soy beans. You can add just about anything you like. The key to success is the peanut butter sort of coats everything and the birds eat it all, even the things they don't normally like. Try it you can trick them into eating all the stuff that's good for them that they don't like. You don't have to be limited to what I use you can try all kinds of stuff. Sometimes I do put in other things if I happen to have something in the house that I think is good for them. My grey loves it so much that he actually licks his bowl clean you'd swear there was never anything in it. One of my Macaws screams until I put the bowl in her cage.

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