EcoSmart Wasp & Hornet Killer - safe??


New member
Aug 5, 2014
Hi! We have an infestation of wasps right outside our front door. We tried a soap-and-water spray, but no luck. I read about EcoSmart Wasp & Hornet Killer, which is supposedly safe around pets. But we all know that parrots are not ordinary pets:); they have very sensitive respiratory systems. Has anyone used this product? Even though we'd spray outside, the fumes could easily get into the house. I know that many seemingly innocuous things like tree tea oil can be dangerous to parrots, so I want to be extra-careful.
EcoSmart Wasp & Hornet Killer contains:
Peppermint Oil ……………………………… 1.00%
2-Phenethyl Propionate …………………. 0.50%
Other Ingredients* ……………………….. 98.50%
Total ……………………………………………100.00%
*Isopropyl Myristate, Isopropanol, Mineral Oil, Canola Oil, Wintergreen Oil, Nitrogen
I'll also check with my avian vet, but I thought I'd check with you guys first. Thank you!:green2:
It's active ingredient, 2-Phenethyl Propionate, is also in Raid, but I think you're over thinking this. Whatever product you use, it will be used outdoors and once you've applied it to your wasp nest(s), it will have done its work & you can hose the area down with a water hose...and...if you do your spraying when it is slightly windy, to dissipate odors away from the front door, you should be in good shape.....wasp sprays normally have a 15-20 foot range.....

Here's the link to that chemical's MSDS
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Thanks for your feedback, weco! I also appreciate the link to the pdf. Yes, I tend to over-think things, but that's part of the requirements of my profession:) Plus, as a Picklemom, I am a little neurotic about my precious bird.

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