Ekko, my Vosmaeri Eclectus


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Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
I want to thank @kme3388 for giving me the idea to post about Ekko here:) This is going to be long, my apologies in advance.

I met my first Eclectus around 35 years ago, he was a beautiful boy that a friend had named Prince. He was not only gorgeous but he was also sweet to everyone, and the Eclectus became my dream bird.

After Reg and I began our journey with birds, I decided that it was finally time to have an Ekkie in my life. Reg was unfamiliar with them so we went to a local pet shop and he was able to meet one. They wanted $5000 for the one they had, and that was way out of our reach so I started watching Kijiji for one.
I found Ekko on there in Oct. of 2013, and started talking to his parront. The guy said he'd had him since he was a few months old, and he was currently eighteen months. He was rehoming him because he was getting ready to move and didn't think that he would have enough time for him.
Ekko had a lot of black in his feathers that worried me a little, but I still wanted him.

We started to make plans for us to come get him, he lived 3 hours away and we were going to go pick him up.
The guy then told me that he'd just drop Ekko off to us on his way to his new home since he was going right by us.

I was so excited and waited all day, but he never showed. I got an email from him that said that he hadn't wanted to take the time to drop him off, and that he may keep him after all.

I was disappointed, but I understood.

About a month later, he emailed me and asked if we still wanted him. I told him that I did, but there just seemed something weird about this guy and I was worried about sending a deposit. I used a picture that he had sent me of Ekko and ran it through Google and got a hit - Ekko's picture was posted here on PF! I'd only been a member for about a month then and I was surprised to find that he was also a member.
I eagerly read through his threads, and then I read where there was talk of him having PBFD.
I wasn't sure what to do and I didn't know if I should reply to his posts. I PM's a Mod we had at the time and talked to him about it, and he gave me some of the best advice I've ever been given here. He told me that he wouldn't reply here, that he would email the guy and tell him that I needed to speak with his vet. In order for the vet to talk to me, he had to transfer ownership of him to me with the vet's office, and he did. The vet told me that his issues were all diet related and that he did not have PBFD.
They also said that according to their records he was two and a half years old rather than eighteen months. No big deal about the age, and I was thrilled that Ekko wasn't sick.
@MikeyTN was the Mod, and he was of so much help both before and after we got Ekko, and I can't tell Ekko's story without giving him a shout out:)

The guy kept going back and forth over the next couple of weeks, but finally decided that he was ready to rehome him. We ended up going to get him Dec. 7 of 2013, and it started to snow on the way there, and became a full on whiteout almost the entire way home. The roundtrip drive was 12.5 hours, and the temperature dropped to -38.4C (-37.1 F). We'd gotten an excellent suggestion here to bring hand heat packs along, just in case of a breakdown. Thankfully we never needed to put them under the towel in his carrier, but it was nice to know that we were prepared, just in case.
Reg was driving and couldn't see anything further than a couple of feet in front of us, and I was holding onto the dashboard for dear life. Meanwhile, Ekko was in his carrier behind us, and most of the way he talked and sang to us.

I was not only thrilled to have an Eclectus, but I was so happy that I had this Eclectus. I was in love already.

He seemed to share that sentiment over the next little while, and liked me more than Reg. Reg is a bird whisperer and every bird we had then liked him more, and I was so happy that Ekko preferred me.

That lasted for a few months, and then suddenly I was out. He completely ignored me, and only wanted Reg. He wouldn't talk in front of me anymore - period. He'd be talking to Reg and the minute I'd come in the room he'd stop talking until I left:(
He would only step up for me on a perch, where before he'd only wanted to use my hand.

He did that for the next year, and then we had a situation that not only caused my stress and anxiety to go through the roof, but Reg's as well.

I'm out of time tonight, but will continue this tomorrow:)


Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP
Terry, I'm so glad you've decided to write about Ekko's story. It's a special one that deserves to shared. ❤️

It's funny, an ekkie was never on my dream bird list. Not because I didn't like them, but because until I met Patches, I had never even heard of them, let alone met one in person. Now that I'm "in the know," I can't imagine being without one. They're completely different from other species in so many ways, I just love them. I think it's the blatant, in your face sweetness in their personalities that gets me. :)


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2010
Maryland - USA
Parker - male Eclectus

Aphrodite - red throated conure (RIP)
Y’all wax so poetically about the species. Want mine? You can have him!🤣

I didn’t realize untill now I never heard the entire story, Terry. Thats a remarkable epic! Thank you for sharing! So funny, I didn’t get past “the Eclectus became my dream bird.” without thinking “and how’d THAT work out for ya??”


Staff member
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Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
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Terry, I'm so glad you've decided to write about Ekko's story. It's a special one that deserves to shared. ❤️

It's funny, an ekkie was never on my dream bird list. Not because I didn't like them, but because until I met Patches, I had never even heard of them, let alone met one in person. Now that I'm "in the know," I can't imagine being without one. They're completely different from other species in so many ways, I just love them. I think it's the blatant, in your face sweetness in their personalities that gets me. :)
Thanks, Lil Bro, I should have started writing about each of my birds here a long time ago, they all deserve their moment in the spotlight.
They really are so different, and their feathers are really something else!

I can't imagine being without one either, now:)

Y’all wax so poetically about the species. Want mine? You can have him!🤣

I didn’t realize untill now I never heard the entire story, Terry. Thats a remarkable epic! Thank you for sharing! So funny, I didn’t get past “the Eclectus became my dream bird.” without thinking “and how’d THAT work out for ya??”
I'd take Parker in a minute, I love him. But I know he's where he belongs:)
LOL, Ekko being my dream bird is finally working out really well! Last night he was on my shoulder and when Reg went to take him Ekko was yelling," Love you!" into my ear. First time he's ever said it to me:)

Looking forward to this one!
Thank you! Hopefully it won't bore you to tears:)


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
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Okay, I'll pick up where I left off.

Reg & I were on a long-term lease on our house at the time, and the landlord couldn't care less about the birds. Then they decided to sell the house, but couldn't kick us out to sell.
So they decided to evict us because of the birds, and gave us 6 weeks to find a new place.
When you have 3 dogs, 3 cats and a bunch of birds it isn't easy to find a place to rent, and we were panicked.

Ekko felt the stress much more than the other birds and started to pluck. With the help of two very good friends we were able to buy the house we're in now. Things were looking up, and Ekko slowed down his plucking.

The day we moved the birds here was insane. The first post here talks about it:

Moving with 70+ birds! (Most of the birds were finches, thank goodness.)

Ekko started to pluck again for a few weeks after the move, and then stopped. Three months later, I had to start a business for Reg to get paid through (He's a sub-contractor), and that stressed me out again. The minute that happened, Ekko plucked. And plucked. He continued until I finally went on anti-anxiety meds a couple of years ago, I should have done it much sooner:(

Over the years, Ekko will go a year ignoring me, and then like me for a few months, and then back to ignoring me.

When I got sick last Oct., I went weeks without being able to get downstairs to see the birds. When I was finally strong enough to do it, Ekko was one of the happiest to see me. That hasn't changed even though Reg is still doing all the feeding, and I can only make it downstairs every other day.
Ekko wants me to hold him the whole time I'm down there and I feel like I have my baby back!

The "Love you"s I got last night were worth all these years of waiting for it.

I was so ashamed that Ekko had started plucking while in our care, and I felt so guilty that my stress was what was causing it. Because of this, I didn't post much about it. I'm glad I finally did, though, this can and does happen with a lot of people, and we shouldn't be ashamed if it happens to us.

Here's a picture of Ekko while I was holding him last night:)


I'll add pictures from when we first got him from my PC tonight:)


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
Seattle WA
Kirby - OWA, 33yrs old (2019-)
Broccoli - Dusky Conure - 3?mo old (July 2023 -)
(Rehomed) Sammy - YNA, 45 yrs old (2022-2023)
(RIP) Cricket - Cockatiel (2019-2022)
Y’all wax so poetically about the species. Want mine? You can have him!🤣

I didn’t realize untill now I never heard the entire story, Terry. Thats a remarkable epic! Thank you for sharing! So funny, I didn’t get past “the Eclectus became my dream bird.” without thinking “and how’d THAT work out for ya??”

There’s a female baby eclectus at our local parrot shop who took a shine to Kirby and I, and they handed her over to me after she insisted she wanted to come sit with us by dancing around and all sorts of shenanigans. They waxed poetical about her many virtues (she was cute, I’ll admit, and well mannered) but she was also a cool $4,000, and after reading what y’all’s eclectus get up to in their free time, I don’t think I see one in my cards :LOL: o_O

I am certain someone will bring her home soon though, she’s a charmer.

Thank you! Hopefully it won't bore you to tears:)

Never! What a sweet story. Honestly I’ve had so much trouble with my own three dog two cat two parrot house lately, it’s been reassuring to see that everyone is human and has struggles, but that you guys overcame it!

I’m glad Ekko is coming around for you now!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
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There’s a female baby eclectus at our local parrot shop who took a shine to Kirby and I, and they handed her over to me after she insisted she wanted to come sit with us by dancing around and all sorts of shenanigans. They waxed poetical about her many virtues (she was cute, I’ll admit, and well mannered) but she was also a cool $4,000, and after reading what y’all’s eclectus get up to in their free time, I don’t think I see one in my cards :LOL: o_O

I am certain someone will bring her home soon though, she’s a charmer.

The females are stunning! I would have loved to have a female, but it just wasn't to be:(
Never! What a sweet story. Honestly I’ve had so much trouble with my own three dog two cat two parrot house lately, it’s been reassuring to see that everyone is human and has struggles, but that you guys overcame it!

Thank you ♥️
We all have struggles at times, and reading your thread bolstered my courage to post about Ekko.
Thank you:)
I’m glad Ekko is coming around for you now!

Me too! It feels like when we first got him. I think that Ekko must have figured out that I wasn't all that bad once he didn't see me everyday. Ha


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
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I’m so happy that you are telling Ekko’s story. He is so beautiful! It will help so many new parrot owners as well. I’m glad Ekko found a home, and one that cares greatly about him.

Thank you so much! We both adore Ekko, he's amazing no matter how many feathers he has. He also loves strangers!

We brought him to the parrot club's bird show, and he flirted with a little girl who was around 8 all day. Her mother's booth was next to ours, and Ekko would call out "Hey! Hello!" until she'd come back over. He was in love with her!
He had a blast at the show, he talked to everybody who went by. When he got home he was in the middle of a word and he just fell asleep. Turns out that being an entertainer is hard work:)


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
Seattle WA
Kirby - OWA, 33yrs old (2019-)
Broccoli - Dusky Conure - 3?mo old (July 2023 -)
(Rehomed) Sammy - YNA, 45 yrs old (2022-2023)
(RIP) Cricket - Cockatiel (2019-2022)
The females are stunning! I would have loved to have a female, but it just wasn't to be:(

Thank you ♥️
We all have struggles at times, and reading your thread bolstered my courage to post about Ekko.
Thank you:)

The females are gorgeous, and she was very sweet. I joke about Ekkies being high maintenance, but really it was the price tag that I couldn’t handle. Esme gave me a very eloquent look when they suggested she’d do well with us since Kirby liked her that clearly said, “you are about to spend $2k on dental cleaning for your elderly chihuahuas, we are not putting a parrot on a credit card!”

Also, I think Kirby would be less charmed once she came home and hollered in his ear. :LOL:


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
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The females are gorgeous, and she was very sweet. I joke about Ekkies being high maintenance, but really it was the price tag that I couldn’t handle. Esme gave me a very eloquent look when they suggested she’d do well with us since Kirby liked her that clearly said, “you are about to spend $2k on dental cleaning for your elderly chihuahuas, we are not putting a parrot on a credit card!”

Also, I think Kirby would be less charmed once she came home and hollered in his ear. :LOL:
That price is outrageous! We got Ekko from a private party as mentioned, and he was $1800 and came with his cage and a bunch of other stuff.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
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Reg got a pic of me and Ekko last night and I have to share it. I looked awful so I made him blur me out. lol

Ekko has not been like this with me since right after we got him when he started preferring Reg. I can't believe he's loving on me, he kept asking for kisses and playing peek-a-boo:) When Reg tried to take him he said, "ummm no," and ran around to my other shoulder. The 'Ummm" sounded like a whine, it was the cutest thing ever.

This means the world to me, I still can't believe it.



Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP
Wow, that's crazy. I live in a perpetual state of sticker shock since mine are all rescues. Costs at our local refuge are nothing by comparison. It's a non profit, and she's far more concerned about the birds going to the right home than making money from it. I suppose you could consider it "sweat equity" since there's a pretty substantial time investment in visiting with a potential bird to make sure there's a good match and a bond happening. She does occasionally get someone coming in who just wants to show up, spew out a pile of cash and leave with a bird the same day, and they get upset because it absolutely doesn't work that way. Thank goodness! Much like our little forum, it's ALL about what's best for the birds.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP
Reg got a pic of me and Ekko last night and I have to share it. I looked awful so I made him blur me out. lol

Ekko has not been like this with me since right after we got him when he started preferring Reg. I can't believe he's loving on me, he kept asking for kisses and playing peek-a-boo:) When Reg tried to take him he said, "ummm no," and ran around to my other shoulder. The 'Ummm" sounded like a whine, it was the cutest thing ever.

This means the world to me, I still can't believe it.

View attachment 48996
Oh my goodness, look at that little face-o-love right there! ❤️❤️❤️


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
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May 9, 2022
Indiana, USA
Ona: Dilute Green Cheek Conure
What a unique story you have here; thank you for sharing it. That picture of you and Ekko is precious! He must have really missed you!


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
Seattle WA
Kirby - OWA, 33yrs old (2019-)
Broccoli - Dusky Conure - 3?mo old (July 2023 -)
(Rehomed) Sammy - YNA, 45 yrs old (2022-2023)
(RIP) Cricket - Cockatiel (2019-2022)
That price is outrageous! We got Ekko from a private party as mentioned, and he was $1800 and came with his cage and a bunch of other stuff.
Man, prices have gotten nuts around here. We were considering a smaller parrot and one of the local parrot shops is charging $1300 for a gold crown conure. 💀 I think their sun conures are around that price too…


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
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What a unique story you have here; thank you for sharing it. That picture of you and Ekko is precious! He must have really missed you!
Aww, thank you! I almost cried when Ekko looked at me like that, I've waited so many years!

Man, prices have gotten nuts around here. We were considering a smaller parrot and one of the local parrot shops is charging $1300 for a gold crown conure. 💀 I think their sun conures are around that price too…
I haven't been in a pet shop for ages except for Janine's, and she doesn't sell birds, she has a rescue and also a shop that helps support it. I bet the pet shops are the same as yours. Reg did mention that Zebra Finches are $40 each now and that shocked me.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
Seattle WA
Kirby - OWA, 33yrs old (2019-)
Broccoli - Dusky Conure - 3?mo old (July 2023 -)
(Rehomed) Sammy - YNA, 45 yrs old (2022-2023)
(RIP) Cricket - Cockatiel (2019-2022)
Yep, Petco budgies are $40 too. Good for them though, the little guys deserve better!

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