Enjoying a pandemonium of parrots

Free as a bird

Well-known member
Jul 29, 2023
2 cockatiels
A pandemonium is defined as;
wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.

A pandemonium is also the term given to describe a group of parrots and i can see why.

I've gone camping by the river for a night and I was blessed to watch a pandemonium of little Corellas for about an hour before sunset.

Over a hundred of them scattered around screeching and squaking.
Some were foraging on the ground, others were up in trees, some were fighting, others were courting, some were playing, others were parading and showing off, some were flying aggressively doing aerobatics, others were chasing eachother in the air and on the ground, some were doing acrobatics on the power lines, I saw one chase away a poor duck who was just minding his own business, I saw about 50 of them take to the sky screeching and squaking at me after i drew too close and spooked them. There is never a dull moment when watching the antics of the Corellas.

You can't get closer than about 10 meters before they spook and fly away so it was hard to get good pictures on my cheapy phone but let's see what i got.

I was surrounded by them but this group is as close as I could get without spooking them.

Zoomed in

Trying to get close to a larger group. All of the sudden I was too close and they took the air.
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Eventually perching up the the trees about 60 meters away. Zoom in and you'll see some in the trees and some in flight
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This one performed his acrobatics right in front if me. His mates are in the background doing the same thing
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There were a few ducks around too. This one looks surrounded but his mates are just over to the left

I'm so happy after watching them I will sleep now with a grin on my face 😁
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The next morning I was greeted by the same flock of corellas in their pandemonium. More of them were getting down to the serious business of foraging but there were still plenty of clowns acting the fool. People walking their dogs kept spooking the birds but it was still cool to watch.



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