Enrichment ideas for spending time with parrot?


Active member
Jan 28, 2023
I don't have a parrot yet but I want to get one and learn about them first
I'm bringing a 1yo pineapple conure home next weekend! Suspected female but not dna sexed

She's already really comfortable with me but I know I have to give her time to adapt to a new environment. Her cage is here tomorrow and I've also got bird safe cleaning supplies, pellets, a few recipes to try for chop, treats to try with her to see which is her favourite, foraging and shredding toys, and a travel carrier for the ride home. Also going to order a portable perch

Now after she gets comfortable... how does one entertain a bird? What's some mentally stimulating things we can do together which will help us bond?

Some thoughts:

-Target training and step up training
-Hiding treats in her toys so she has to work to get them
-Listening to music or watching movies together
-Going outside for walks in a harness? Or carrier if she doesn't want to wear one

Any other ideas?? I want to raise a well adjusted bird :)


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
Any and all forms of training are amazing forms of entertaining your bird as well as building a bond with them. Look up conures doing tricks, there will be a lot of options like; wave, open wings, give a kiss, roll over, play dead, basketball, fetch, putting rings on a peg, and so so many more.


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Super Moderator
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Some other things you may want to do/try:

Real estate agent - take the parrot on a walking tour of the home, showing rooms, windows, mirrors, etc. Do it periodically so they stay oriented

Pass the potato - gather the family and play pass the potato with the parrot, each member holding him for a few minutes, talking to him etc. Very good for socializing.

Play fetch with a ball on a nice soft surface like a bed. Also good for teaching flight and recall

Don't limit training to just step up and recall - parrots are capable of learning very complicated tricks, and trick training is a great way to strengthen your bond (and amaze you how smart they really are).

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