Escape artist?


New member
Jun 18, 2007
Blue & Gold Macaw, Madison;
Yellow Naped Amazon, Rocky;
Timneh African Grey, Tyler
** Before I get into the story I'd just like to add that my iguana receives good care, the right food and lighting and has a large enough enclosure. She just flat out HATES me. She was abused by kids when she was a kid which doesn't help I'm sure. I have gotten her to calm down with me by working with her but because of my health I would usually have to go away to the hospital for a few weeks and when I got back I would be too injured for awhile. By the time I got to try again she was back to Godzilla mode. So now I have this very large aggressive lizard who can do some real damage and is hell bent on doing it. **

Lately I've had to peer cautiously into my bird room before entering.
That's because my large iguana, Rea, who wants me to die so she can eat me, has been getting her cage open and coming out. Or so I thought.
The lock on the cage had broken long ago and I'd been closing it with the leash I bought for her that doesn't work. I just tie it around the two bars by the broken lock.

I noticed it was getting a bit frayed but only on the outside part.. How could the lizard have done that from the inside?
I also noticed when I find her out she's usually hanging out with the birds even though that scares me to death..(with her being so aggressive)

I like, quadruple knotted it the night before and went to bed. When I got up this morning after only having had like 3 hours sleep, I went up to say good morning and feed everyone and was met face to face by the evil Rea in all her glory.
She was standing facing the door, backed up just enough so that it wouldn't hit her when it opened. Waiting for me, obviously! I opened the door and she hissed and lunged. I think I just missed a nasty bite on the toe.
I ran downstairs to grab something to catch her with and when I came back up she was sitting as nice as can be by Madison.

Madison is the only one who climbs down off the cages so I assume she must be the one breaking Rea out of her cage.
I put a chain and lock on it so there will be no more of that!
I wonder though.. did Rea somehow ask Madison to let her out of the cage or did Madison just think it looked like fun. :confused::confused::confused:
Wow Flyte you got your hands full! Iquana's are known to become aggresive when they become older and you have one that was abused. I hope you keep all your fingers!!!
I would think that Madison (or Tyler, or Rocky) may have found the knot once and untied it and then continued the game every time you retied it, leaving Rea the opportunity to break out ... but, to be honest, if there was communication going on between the animals I wouldn't be surprised ...

Here is another question - Has Madison (or Tyler, or Rocky) ever undone the latch/lock on another cage ... if the answer is yes, then maybe the just didn't want to see another animal in a cage ... who knows!
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Madison and Rocky are never locked into their cages because the bird room is birdproof and I've never seen a reason to lock them up. They also know how to open the cages and I am afraid to put some sort of lock for fear of not being able to open it quickly in case of an emergency. Tyler is in my room and gets locked in when i'm gone for long periods because it makes my mom feel better. She doesn't know that he knows how to get He usually stays in if I ask him too:)

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