

New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
I know BB is going thru a molt right now. Figures I have had him a year next month and he was molting then.

I am home from work today and noticed him holding a feather and chewing the end of it. It appeared to be a Wing feather. He dropped it and started preening again. Another feather came off the other wing. That one he just dropped. Is it normal for them to hold and chew one ?
Yes, perfectly normal. Both my big guys do it. I've even seen Ripley hold a feather and use the shaft to scratch himself with it. :)
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Oh good lol. This is the first time I have seen that. I pay close attention to the the ones he looses. Never seen any chewed or blood so it kinda freaked me lol

Thanks a lot

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