Female died from polyoma virus

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New member
Dec 2, 2014
Emmaus, PA
Jack, SI Eclectus
Apollo, Golden Conure
Finally got the call from the vet. Unfortunately, it's bad news. I'm taking Jack in to be tested tomorrow. What if he tests positive too?

Need to contact breeder as the pathologist stated if there were no other birds in the home that it originated with the breeder. I hope it's not a fight.
Hope Jack is negative. The breeder should be OK with whatever you want to do, I know I'd want my money back, would be to afraid to accept other birds from her. Pray you're most fortunate with Jack. Please keep me informed with Jack's test results.
Oh I'm so sorry. Thoughts and prayers your way!
I'm so sorry to hear the results of Raja's tests. I wish you the best with Jack.
:( I'm so sorry!!! Gosh, you did not need those news. Please keep us posted on Jack. I've got everything crossed that he's fine.
If you don't mind saying what state does the breeder live in? Was it a pet store or home breeder? I remember you saying something about them coming from two different breeders or was that just different pairs that the breeder has? Polyoma is very often passed from parent to baby, her breeder birds should have been tested! Such a tragedy!:(
I am so sorry to hear the heartbreaking news :(. Prayers that Jack is okay. I hope the breeder takes this seriously and gets their birds tested!
Very sorry to hear this.
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If you don't mind saying what state does the breeder live in? Was it a pet store or home breeder? I remember you saying something about them coming from two different breeders or was that just different pairs that the breeder has? Polyoma is very often passed from parent to baby, her breeder birds should have been tested! Such a tragedy!:(

I got them from Ana's parrots in east Stroudsburg, PA. As soon as I have the pathology report in my hands today I'll be calling her. I'm afraid there are a lot of birds in danger as this definitely didn't come from my house.
I truly and sincerely hope Ana makes this right. Please, do not get any more birds from her, she has quite a bad reputation. Just last year she lost numerous macaw chicks to 'unknown' reasons. :(
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I truly and sincerely hope Ana makes this right. Please, do not get any more birds from her, she has quite a bad reputation. Just last year she lost numerous macaw chicks to 'unknown' reasons. :(

Is that why she stopped "breeding" them?

I hope she does make it right. I don't want another bird from her because testing for diseases is like the minimum of what a breeder should be doing, right? Before I got them, all I saw and heard about her were good things--even from local people.

I will update with her response tonight when I present the situation to her and at minimum ask for a refund of raja.
I am very sad to say that Jack is at great risk as well this is a highly contagious disease. Make sure you let her know that he will be tested as well, compensation needs to be made but from what I have heard of this woman's business practice you may have a fight on your hands. :(
This is the sort of thing that absolutely makes my blood boil :mad:!! :(
I couldn't find a website for her, but a Facebook page, and internet pics that show that she breeds a huge volume of chicks. Churns diseased birds out like a factory... If she has THAT MANY breeder pairs, do you think she's going to even think about spending the money to test everyone? Everyone (breeders and existing chicks), or that she can even afford to do it?! The only answer is to shut her down. :mad:!

Again, best of luck with Jack, and with dealing with Ana.
I'm so sorry to hear about your little one ): Keeping Jack in my thoughts.

I'm also very shocked and horrified to find out about Ana's Parrots. I was contemplating getting my grey from her, and I'm glad things worked out with my first choice instead.
The sheer volume of babies she had was kind of alarming, but they looked happy and well cared for. She posts updates about them daily on Facebook, which I always thought was a sign of a business being on the up and up.
They (she and her partner) have a website: Bird Whisperer In Pennsylvania

I don't believe for a single second that all her chicks are from their own breeding pairs. I believe she has many shipped at a very young age, depending on demand. She also sells unweaned babies! If you do a Google search it'll come up "Parrots at Wholesale Prices." :rolleyes:

She may have started off with good intentions, but $$$ spoke louder than conscience. She's listed on Birdbreeder, too - with ZERO feedback!

All it would have had to take was for one chick to come in sick..... :( Of course it's also entirely possible some of THEIR breeders are/were ill.

They sure know how to advertise. :cool:
They (she and her partner) have a website: Bird Whisperer In Pennsylvania

I never trust anyone who still has music autoplaying on their website in 2015.
It's just a matter of principle.

I really hope you get some resolution here, lizard. Thank you for letting us know where you got these birds from ):
Oh my gosh how awful for you...my heart just breaks...sending prayers your way for Jack...and hope others take action with this woman by you sharing your nightmare...
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