found a parrot on the street! now what?


New member
Jun 12, 2017

I am a new member on the forum as a new parrot owner!
Recently, while driving home, I almost hit the little guy that was exhuasted and afraid. I managed to catch him and bring him home! Next day I went staight to the vet so that he could check him! He gave me some info on his diet (pellets etc) and some general info. However, Because he was not a bird specialist he could not inform me on thinks like : the parrots species, the age, the gender etc. (I will find a specialist soon enough). So first of all I would like to post here a video from youtube with a parrot that has the exact appearence and voice as mine so that probably someone could help me identify the species (as there are at least 4-5 on the internet that seem to match...)

Here is the link : [ame=""]Original parrot sound - YouTube[/ame]

Is it an alexandrine? A green parakeet? A jamaican parakeet(mine has siel collored feathers on its tail)? eclectus? something else?

Also I am reading all the time about how to treat him and how to teach him things, and surely I am going to search a lot in these forums! However I would like to share some info with you cause I do not know much about parrots (I only had cannaries as pets) so that probably someone could help me!

So, the first day (after the night that I caught him) he seemed to be quite friendly by eating from my hand (I felt like ultra lucky after what I read on the internet :p ) and not being afraid to stand on my hand (only after I caught him...first fault...he didnt step on on his own...).. Second day same things... However since the 3rd day (now its the 6th) He started being extremely afraid of me even if I go near the cage! I try to let him out at least 2-3 times a day in a room to flight and still he does not get calmer! he even hits himself in the cage by fault if I try to approach him... At least he seems happier when I play him parrot sounds from youtube... So please any info on this? some help would be appriciated!

Thank for everything in advance and sorry for the long post! :greenyellow::greenyellow::green2::green2:

(probably) Irrelevant information, I live in Athens,Greece and thats where I found him... (I dont even know if he had an owner or if he is a runaway from the animal park that exists about 15-20 km from the spot I found him)...(ah also forgot to mention at start he wasnt able to fly but now he flights almost perfectly!)
FYI Dont think so. Changed my mind and think this is possible LOL

This little guy let you be friendly because he was probably both hungry and exhausted. Now he isnt. So he exhibits his normal responses to someone new. Have you tried to see if anyone has lost this parrot first and foremost, I would be very upset if he was mine. They are little houdinis also.

BTW Welcome and no probs re long post, here to help if poss.

Do you have any escaped parrots living in Greece, is it one of these?

Try this

Has he not made anything that is near or close to talking? You could give that park a call and tentatively ask if they have lost any? Dont have to say you have it, just seen one in the first instance. If he is part of a flock either wild or captive he/she will take some calming down.
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FYI Dont think so. Changed my mind and think this is possible LOL

This little guy let you be friendly because he was probably both hungry and exhausted. Now he isnt. So he exhibits his normal responses to someone new. Have you tried to see if anyone has lost this parrot first and foremost, I would be very upset if he was mine. They are little houdinis also.

BTW Welcome and no probs re long post, here to help if poss.

Do you have any escaped parrots living in Greece, is it one of these?

Try this

Has he not made anything that is near or close to talking? You could give that park a call and tentatively ask if they have lost any? Dont have to say you have it, just seen one in the first instance.

I asked arround in the neighborhood that I found him but nobody new anything :/ I dont even know if the bird has actually escaped from somebody as there are were many incidents in the area (from what I heard) with parrots that went free (like, it is said that one guy released around 200 birds a 1-2 years ago. don't know the reason). So this may either be an parrot that escaped from its owner, a parrot from the animal park (that they have them free) or a parrot baby or something related to the stories that I heard.

Anyway, I ll post a picture of the bird here! Please provide me with some info if possible on how to approach him now that he sees me as a "new guy".




P.S. How could he be a ringneck without a ring around his neck ? :p :green::green::green:
Indian Ringneck Sounds anything here similar?

Just sit and talk to him for a bit. See how he reacts to you after that. Be good if you can find a Cert Avian Vet for that check up. If it is difficult to locate one maybe the animal park will know of one that is certified in Exotics?
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Indian Ringneck Sounds anything here similar?

Just sit and talk to him for a bit. See how he reacts to you after that. Be good if you can find a Cert Avian Vet for that check up. If it is difficult to locate one maybe the animal park will know of one that is certified in Exotics?

The only sound he makes so far is exactly the one on the video I shared before... Nothing else than that
I'd say he/she is certainly a IRN. They don't have a ring if they are young males, females don't have a ring at all. It isn't an Alexandrine as there are no red on the wing shoulders.

He looks lovely!
that looks like either a juvenile or female ringneck to me. You'll find that when you first got it it was so exhausted and in shock that it couldn't fight back but now has got the chance to calm slightly and get some energy back. Remember they can fly for miles quickly so it may be best to go out and stick some posters up saying you've found the bird. Also will be a good idea to find your nearest Avian Vet and take it there for both a check-up and you may find that the owners are registered and they can get the bird back home. Really you shouldn't just take the bird and appoint yourself owner as in some places you could get into trouble over that. Hope all goes well
Welcome to the forums, and thanks for caring enough to rescue this little parrot!

I too am unsure of the exact species, but he seems friendly and likely comfortable with humans. That he was initially friendly but less genial after a time may reflect the typical "honeymoon" seen with captive parrots. If he in an escaped/lost bird, somebody is likely highly distressed and worried. Please consider finding the original owner using word-of-mouth, social media, local veterinary clinics, or humane societies if they exist in your area.

If you do keep him, the many links posted by plumsmum will prove invaluable!

Some links to help ID:
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It's good that you are taking care of this parrot...and it's possible someone released him on purpose. But a parrot that is tamed and hungry is most likely a parrot that escaped accidentally. Most parrot owners love their parrots, and have a deep bond with them. To lose a pet parrot can be heartbreaking for someone who loves them. Is there any thing like in your country? Or some other way to post information about lost or found parrots? It would be a kindness to both the parrot and the owner if they could be reunited.
Adding to Kentuckienne's post. If it is practice in Greece when you visit the CAV he/she can be checked for a microchip?
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that looks like either a juvenile or female ringneck to me. You'll find that when you first got it it was so exhausted and in shock that it couldn't fight back but now has got the chance to calm slightly and get some energy back. Remember they can fly for miles quickly so it may be best to go out and stick some posters up saying you've found the bird. Also will be a good idea to find your nearest Avian Vet and take it there for both a check-up and you may find that the owners are registered and they can get the bird back home. Really you shouldn't just take the bird and appoint yourself owner as in some places you could get into trouble over that. Hope all goes well

Welcome to the forums, and thanks for caring enough to rescue this little parrot!

I too am unsure of the exact species, but he seems friendly and likely comfortable with humans. That he was initially friendly but less genial after a time may reflect the typical "honeymoon" seen with captive parrots. If he in an escaped/lost bird, somebody is likely highly distressed and worried. Please consider finding the original owner using word-of-mouth, social media, local veterinary clinics, or humane societies if they exist in your area.

If you do keep him, the many links posted by plumsmum will prove invaluable!

Some links to help ID:
Preliminary distribution study of the Ring-necked Parakeet Psittacula krameri (Scopoli 1769) in Greece - Rare birds of Greece - Hellenic Rarities Committee
The Urban Wildlife of Athens - Greece Is

It's good that you are taking care of this parrot...and it's possible someone released him on purpose. But a parrot that is tamed and hungry is most likely a parrot that escaped accidentally. Most parrot owners love their parrots, and have a deep bond with them. To lose a pet parrot can be heartbreaking for someone who loves them. Is there any thing like in your country? Or some other way to post information about lost or found parrots? It would be a kindness to both the parrot and the owner if they could be reunited.

Adding to Kentuckienne's post. If it is practice in Greece when you visit the CAV he/she can be checked for a microchip?

Guys thank you all! And believe me I also own a dog and I am not that kind of person that does not understand and simply wants to keep the bird! I already had in mind going asap to special vet (at first I just went strait to my vet just to check the bird until I find a specialist) and check him fro microchip! (yes we do have those here in Greece). However, (I would like your opinion on this) because people here tend to lie a lot (especially when something has to do with "an expensive and exotic pet") and I already saw some strange behaviours on the place that I found him (even though the bird was nobody's around there all of them where sceptical on whether to answer that and in the end the called me "lucky"), if someone shows up stating that he is the owner without any valid proof I do not plan to hand the bird. what do you think on that? Also except from the possible registration of the bird and the microchip is there another way to identify the owner? I am asking because, even though it is a good practice here in Greece to have a microchip on your animal, it is not yet mandatory... so the chances are high that the bird wont even have a chip...

PS: Before someone says that of course the bird is going to recognize its owner, feel comfortable etc... (which is obvious) I am afraid that some people are even able to lie by saying "I hadn't tamed/trained him well yet, so that 's why the bird does not seem comfortable now...but when we get home he should be fine...". Sorry for seeming to skeptic but I ve seen a lot here in Greece :( which is a same for the rest pet owners that actually love animals and would like to help!

PS2: Already searched on Greek facebook pages and forums on parrots but found nothing about a ringneck around the south part of Athens :green2::green2::green2:
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forgot to say that the bird does not even have a ring on its leg (which is mandatory from what I read and should write an Id number... probably this is what you meant by registration)
You make a good point. We have the same problem here, it's the same everywhere I guess: people posing as they lost their cat/dog/bird/wallet in response to any ad, because it's easier than breaking in to steal. You would have to say something vague, like I found an animal, message here to identify (not using your real name or address for the thieves) with a callback number, make the say what kind of animal. Tell them right away to describe the animal in detail. If they just say "bird" and wait for a hint, it's not theirs. You might get a few scammers, and might get the person who describes the parrot, how he acts, details about his feathers, etc.

Maybe the vet would know the best way to locate a lost owner. If he is really lost, are you going to keep him? They are supposed to be wonderful pets and can be good talkers. If you do, or even just in the mean time, the IRN people here are good help.
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