Found: stainless parrot toys on amazon!


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
Not sure if this is a new bird toy line, but I only just discovered it. Heavy duty looking stainless steel toys for large parrots! Definitely going to look into getting one of these for Kiwi for Christmas. One of those with the nuts that don’t come off as he loves screw and nut toys but always loose the nuts. I’ve been looking to move away from dyed wood/paper (any kind of dye really, bad for his bad kidney) and destructible plastic toys. Not too much stainless steel ones out there, even heavy duty acrylic toys are pretty limited. Very pleased to see someone is now trying to make stainless ones!
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
Ooh must be a new brand, I've been through the amazon toys a million times over. Definitely adding some to my wishlist. I adore that they use an actual bird playing with it for a size reference unlike 90% of bird toy ads on amazon.


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Julio loves to make selection from my outfitting (rigging) bag, which is filled with pieces and parts needed to upgrade /repair the standing and running rigging on sailboats. The great part about Marine supplies is that it is common for the bits to be deburred, which eliminates sharp edges.

Julio was either an mechanical engineer or a mechanic in a prior life. His ability to disassemble things is amazing. His ability to disassemble his cage was one of the reasons for his free roaming life style.

I know, Kiwi will love the new toy(s) for Christmas...

Stainless steel is great for Parrots. Chromed steel parts needs to be looked a closely and regularly for signs of cracking or rusting, which is normally followed by flaking. Flaking bites of chrome is dangerous for Parrot resulting from the heavy metals used to form chrome coating. I avoid using chromed items around Parrots.


Nov 3, 2016
Northern Nevada
Fidget - BFA, Addy - Red Lored
I bought 3 of those from you're link. Fidget approves of the one with all the bolts, he's played with it quite a bit.

The square one I have some concerns about. When the bolts get loosened, the box comes partially apart and leaves some edges I'm not totally comfortable with. I'd love to hear others opinions on it.

The third one with the spinning thing, I haven't given him yet.

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
I have looked all over Amazon and that is new to me! Thanks!


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Sharp edges on stainless steel product:
- Common with some parts, but not all.
- Sharp edges are easily removed with an abrasive product, like a file or sandpaper. There is no change in the material as edges are made smooth, so no concern of rusting.
- High tolerated engagement threads, heavy torque load applications are not common in Parrot / Toy applications as they are more expensive than standard threads. But, the same method as noted above can be used if you come across a sharper edge then you would be comfortable.

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