from the beginning


New member
Jul 13, 2011
M2's, U2's, G2's, RB2's, VOS, RLA's, BFA's, DYHA's, Dusky Pionus, Blue and Green Quakers, Meyers Parrots, VOS, GW Macaw's, Harlequin Macaws, Tiels, YNA, TAG's, CAG's, Blue Crown Conures, Red sided Ecl
I was just watching my mustang play with our friesian, and it got me thinking....

They play carefree as equals, and from looking at them together one would never know how different their beginnings in life really are.

To be born a friesian is almost a guarantee that you will be adored, admired, and envied everywhere you go. She was produced by a man that not only loved his horses, but ensured that his rare breeding stock was well cared for, perfectly bred, and carried a price tag equal to their amazing quality. Seze has never missed a meal and never wanted for anything.

Saukura on the other hand was a baby born on a wild lot of captive mustang who were starving from the beginning. Her birth was not acknowledged by a single human being (although she was captively born, the man had 200 starving mustangs on his ranch). Hers is a story of want from birth. Her sire unknown, and her dam died shortly after birthing her this orphan foal barely scraped by her first year. Times got tougher and she watched as her playmates and pasture buddies died of starvation, she wasfound stepping over the bodies of her fellow horses. She was unwanted and hungry.... When I adopted her, she was literally skin, fur, and bone.... She was weak and scared. Her back was nothing but a huge open hairless mess of infection and rain rot...

I continue to watch both horses play, Saukura is fat, happy, and beautiful.... I realize that while some people would scowl at a "trash horse mustang", that she is just as beautiful as Seze and just as loved.
thats such a great story, horses are so magnificant. it just shows how un-judgemental animals are and how humans could learn allot from them :)
She is safe now. No matter how much we want to, we can't undo evils done by others. We can just make sure the animals in our care don't suffer.
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I still remember her being dropped off... she was a terrified mess, and I remember clearly thinking "I'm way in over my head on this one". She was a mess physically and emotionally. I wasn't even sure where to start. I wanted so badly for her pain to be gone, I wanted her to know she was safe. I never thought that she'd be anything more than a pasture pet... this morning she came to the gate and she and I went for a ride and I looked at her and realized she and I have come very far together.... She's my favorite "light non draft" horse to ride :D
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All my aniamls are dearly loved and prescious (I believe all life is prescious), but every now and then God sends an animal into your life that truely changes you....
i couldnt agree more, my cat maxie who sadly passed away last summer was the sweetest most responsive intellegent and loyal cat i have ever met. by chance my brothers frisby landed in our neighbors yard and revealed 5 beautiful kittens. we kept all of them, although one died, i love them all equally and dont know what i would do without them. God truly does send us animals that need us as much as we need them :)
I was truly hoping for a picture of both of your beautiful horses there!!! I love horses and it is so nice of you to rescue the little mustang :)
Please do show us some pictures of your horses!!! My tears dropped when I read the story. Sounds like both of my cats, 2 of my dogs and one of my bird. It breaks my heart....thank you for caring for those wonderful animals!!!!

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