Fun with Scrapblog


Super Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Popsicle the Senegal Parrot &
Pepsi the Mealy Amazon
So I have discovered Scrapblog and I've been having so much fun with it, just thought I would share my latest creation.

Wow, that's really good! I tried it out and it reminded me that I can barely coordinate my clothes in the morning, let alone put a bunch of things together that compliment one another... :rolleyes:
WOW they are really great, I don't use that programme, but have had a play with it and it is a great thing.
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This is the only thing I can use to create pictures. Getting to see everyone else's gives me some great ideas. I'm addicted!!! :D
I look forward to seeing lots more of your designs. :D
O, neat, I've never heard of or used Scrapblog. Tracy, your's is very cute, indeed!

Meghan, pretty eyes and to die for freckles! You are quite a becoming young woman. I love the flower artwork (I love most black/white art, pen, pencil, charcoal...) ... did you do that yourself?? Very nice.

Must learn more ... :)
Yeah you should go have a play around, its really fun, and the things you can make are great. :D

I don't use it as I've got my graphic programme on putor, but I do love to have a play around. Usually when I have a play around I end up breaking something, usually the forum :eek: :D Then have to go grovelling to BN to put it all back together again. :D :D
Yeah you should go have a play around, its really fun, and the things you can make are great. :D

I don't use it as I've got my graphic programme on putor, but I do love to have a play around. Usually when I have a play around I end up breaking something, usually the forum :eek: :D Then have to go grovelling to BN to put it all back together again. :D :D

Yea i have photo shop, but this is so much easier lol. I use them both for different things though.
O, neat, I've never heard of or used Scrapblog. Tracy, your's is very cute, indeed!

Meghan, pretty eyes and to die for freckles! You are quite a becoming young woman. I love the flower artwork (I love most black/white art, pen, pencil, charcoal...) ... did you do that yourself?? Very nice.

Must learn more ... :)

Thanks. The only thing i hate about my self is my hair. I wish it were straight. I might get it chemically straightened though... so ya.
Nope, i didn't draw the flower. It was a sticker/image there.
Thanks. The only thing i hate about my self is my hair. I wish it were straight. I might get it chemically straightened though... so ya.
Nope, i didn't draw the flower. It was a sticker/image there.

Oh, dear...what I wouldn't do for curly locks! :D
Well, I was seeing all of your guys creations in your signatures and in here, so I decided to give it a real try...again, not the most coordinated creation ever, but what can I say, I just like color...Also, I must be the only one who doesn't know how to post the actual image itself, despite using the image tool on here, so if anyone wants to tell me how they did it, feel free...for now:

Well, I was seeing all of your guys creations in your signatures and in here, so I decided to give it a real try...again, not the most coordinated creation ever, but what can I say, I just like color...Also, I must be the only one who doesn't know how to post the actual image itself, despite using the image tool on here, so if anyone wants to tell me how they did it, feel free...for now:


Wow, very nice! :D Like the color, too. I was going to start playing around with it tonight, but I'm kind of tired, so I'll give it a try tomorrow. Wow, what a SMILE! ;)

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