Gcc standing issues


New member
Sep 20, 2015
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Hello all,
I am new to the forum but not new to bird keeping. I have a young gcc that suddenly started standing with her body leaning on one side. My birds name is Delta and was purchased on 6/28 of this year as a chick that needed two weeks of hand feeding if this gives you some idea of the age. I have him/her in a large cage with plenty of toys and I also have other birds in the room to keep him/her company while I am away at work. I just brought Delta on a trip with me to visit my bf and he noticed her stance. I didn't notice when I put him in the cage because he usually stays on the side of the cage and doesn't really like to be on perches. I am now worried that there is something wrong. He usually sleeps on the bottom of the cage and plays on the bottom of the cage, rarely ever sitting on any of the perches that I have in the cage.
He does come out of the cage and has free flight time as often as possible. Do you think that bt not using a perch that it could be a factor in the lop sidedness?
Sorry one picture uploaded sideways.


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Dowel perches are usually not recommended because they can cause compression sores on the undersides of the GCC's feet. I just purchased the following 'booda' perch, which alleviates these issues and is more comfortable for resting/sleeping.

I've read that generally any bird that spends a lot of time on the bottom of the cage, especially sleeping there, is a sign of sickness. Take Delta to an avian vet ASAP, this is the one sign I've read across dozens of forums and in many, many articles that suggests illness. Even if Delta were not spending so much time on the bottom of your cage, the 'leaning'/lopsideness might suggest some sort of internal balance issue related to a diet deficiency of sorts.
Take the bird to the vet asap. Sign of illness.

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