GCC vs. Tiels

GCC or tiel?

  • GCC

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Tiel

    Votes: 4 19.0%

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New member
Apr 22, 2011
Maine, USA
Sprite the cinnamon green cheek conure.
Which one do you like better? And why do you like that one better?
Thanks all the info is appreciated.
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I have both and can't really choose one over the other. They each have characteristics that I like and dislike. I love how my GCC cuddles, but I hate when she bites my ears. I love how vocal my cockatiels are, but they are also prone to screeching really loud and quite often. It really just depends. Cockatiels are excellent pets, they're goofy and sweet and cuddly and in my experience, the hand fed/tame ones don't bite. My GCC, who is hand tamed, bites me often. She hasn't drawn blood yet and she'll stop if I tell her to, but she still does it. My cockatiels are also way better at talking than she is and they sing so pretty. :) I realize this probably doesn't help much, but I can't choose between the two.
I personally think GGC are the devil, just from personal experience. :)
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No, that helped a lot!!
Lol Abzeez, I remember your story hahah!
I was going to post this in my introduction post but I thought, it would be better posted in your post. So in response to your question...

We've only had Franklin for about 24 hours now and so far, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend a GCC to anyone. HOWEVER, the BEST advice I can give you is pick a bird most compatable with your personality. And each individual bird is going to be different.

I bought our Lutino thinking her and I would bond so well, I held her in the pet store, she didn't try to kill me...I got her home and she could really care less about me and fell instantly in love with my husband. Chicken Little, he treats us equal...so far, and we won't know about Franklin quite yet, he treats us equally the same so far too. We are both very good about spending lots of quality time with all our birds, both of us together, by our selves and our birds one on one and all together as a group.

From what I see so far, having the 3 birds...the GCC is definitly way more acrobatic, bold and explorative, and I'd say a bit more demanding of our attention, where our tiels are very content to just sit on our shoulder while we read or watch TV. Our tiels, (are about 5 or 6 months old now) Neither of them like to be rubbed, scratched or petted by us at all. They squawk with definite...stop..or nooo...attitudes. They ARE getting better, not biting all all, just squawk and a really lame peck action, but still not the physically hands on loving tiels I thought we'd have. Our GCC (2 1/2 months old)...awww...he's a dear...he loves to cuddle, snuggle, play, explore and be rubbed, scratched and petted all over. I hope he stays this way :D

I think tiels have their place, I think GCC's have theirs. If you like to be humored by your bird I think the Green Cheek may be the bird for you, they are very visually entertaining. If you like a quiet, mellow bird, a female tiel might be up your alley...and if you don't mind the talking and whistling then a male tiel may be the perfect bird for you.

If I HAD to pick just one bird though, of the ones I currently have...I'd definitely keep the Green Cheek over the tiels. He's all 3 birds wrapped up in one. I think for MY personality and preference, he's my favorite. But...I love listening to Chicken Little tell me how pretty his is :D Maybe Franklin will learn to talk some from Chicken Little!

Most importantly for you, is to spend some time with which ever bird you choose. And if touching/petting is important to you from day one...then I'd try petting/scratching right from the get go. If the bird you are considering obviously dislikes it...you might want to pick something else. It takes a lot of time to train them, some more then others. We knew with our Tiels that they had little to no handling and were willing to go with it anyway. But we are really enjoying the more physical contact with our Franklin.

Good luck to you, no matter what bird you choose, you will find reasons to love that bird for his or her individual personality traits.

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I think a GCC sounds better for me.... I have a lot of free time to spend and I'd love a very cuddly species.
Yes, GCC's are awesome for sure...don't be confused though, many Tiels are wonderful cuddly birds as well. My first tiel, a gray male who was found outside and given to me...he LOVED his "lovin's" I'd say "LOVE" and he'd drop his head in anticipation of his preening scratch. He'd put his beak to my lips and make a kissing sound while touching my lips. He laughed, all out belly rolling laughter, that just cracked up anyone who heard him do it. He strutted in front of a mirror, puffing up and saying Pretty pretty birrrrdieeee! Kiss and cluck to himself. And mimic my phone...I can't tell you how many times I turned off the vacuume cleaner, picked up the phone..."Hello" to a dial tone! Silly bird!

He was a better "watch dog" then my dogs were and went nuts squawking when anyone pulled into the drive. I'd go look out the window to see who it was and say Oh, it's only so and so...It's okay Chaco...and he'd be quiet again.

He was totally bonded to me and I was definitely in love with him. This is why, when I decided on a whim, that I wanted a bird again...I knew without a doubt, I wanted a cockatiel. But the ones we have are their OWN personality and NOTHING like my Chaco bird was.

So you just never know...


I absolutely love my tiel, she is just a doll and loves to sit on my shoulder and preen my hair, whistle to me, or just snooze. Although I would not trade her for anything in the world, she is very docile and not very stimulating.

My gcc's on the other hand are active, fun loving, full of personality and character. They can be nippy at times and they can be a little over enthusiastic when playing with my ear or rings on my fingers. Mine go through stages where they are nippy, normally during breeding season when they feel the urge to breed, however the rest of the year they are sweethearts. Since I handfed and raised all of the gcc's I have, they are quite bonded to everyone in the family and no one has any problems with them. They will go to anyone and much better alarms than a security service. From the gcc's I know if it is a member of the family driving up the driveway, the mail truck, ups, or a stranger. They call to each other in different ways depending on the type vehicle they hear.

Hard to choose one over the other, but I'd have to say for me, green cheeks.
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I absolutely love my tiel, she is just a doll and loves to sit on my shoulder and preen my hair, whistle to me, or just snooze. Although I would not trade her for anything in the world, she is very docile and not very stimulating.

My gcc's on the other hand are active, fun loving, full of personality and character. They can be nippy at times and they can be a little over enthusiastic when playing with my ear or rings on my fingers. Mine go through stages where they are nippy, normally during breeding season when they feel the urge to breed, however the rest of the year they are sweethearts. Since I handfed and raised all of the gcc's I have, they are quite bonded to everyone in the family and no one has any problems with them. They will go to anyone and much better alarms than a security service. From the gcc's I know if it is a member of the family driving up the driveway, the mail truck, ups, or a stranger. They call to each other in different ways depending on the type vehicle they hear.

Hard to choose one over the other, but I'd have to say for me, green cheeks.
Hahaha i've experienced that. My mom was holding what I think was a gold cap conure and she had a hair band around her finger and it was trying the whole time to take it off. Then it went over to my cousin and took of the metal end of her hood tassle thingys. His beak was strong :eek: lol

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