Get well soon Alison.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006

OOO I hope you do feel better too! I am actually home sick from school...I got a stomach virus from my little sister. yucky

wow and just a few moments ago I made the connection....Alison=the perch and parrot forums! haha....go me
Thanks Sunconure. :)

wow and just a few moments ago I made the connection....Alison=the perch and parrot forums! haha....go me

LOL, you're funny. Yup, that me there also, guess I can 'multi task'. :D
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I'm there too, but don't think I ever posted anything, not sure why though, usually can't shut me up.:D ;)
How are you feeling Sunconure? Are you getting over the stomach bug? I think I am finally winning the battle against this pnemonia. I wasn't sure if I would, because I didn't get the prescription filled. They wanted me to pay 12 dollars EACH for the pills I needed! :eek: I'm good at math and that just added up to WAY too much for my budget. I would spend that sort of money on my daughter and on my animals, but not on way. I'll just deal with it my own where did I leave that bottle of just kidding.....maybe..... ;) :D
now where did I leave that bottle of Kahlua

Teehee!!!! Well I havn't been eating much since everytime I seem to try to eat more than bread the toilet becomes my best friend! :( I miss only two whole days of school and two half days....which is a lot...for me atleast (too many AP classes to be missing!) I think I am over the worse part of it...I still don't like being around certain foods or even thinking about food even though I get really hungry after not eating anything for a week!!! But I still can't eat....and BOTh my parents cook....and I mean COOOK!!!!!!! My parents could make millions on a cooking show, but don't have time...the corprate world is way to busy!
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Alison said:
How are you feeling Sunconure? Are you getting over the stomach bug? I think I am finally winning the battle against this pnemonia. I wasn't sure if I would, because I didn't get the prescription filled. They wanted me to pay 12 dollars EACH for the pills I needed! :eek: I'm good at math and that just added up to WAY too much for my budget. I would spend that sort of money on my daughter and on my animals, but not on way. I'll just deal with it my own where did I leave that bottle of just kidding.....maybe..... ;) :D

Thats how I used to be, but now I don't have to pay for meds which is really nice. I have to take tablets everyday for the rest of my life, (unless I grow out of epilepsy) here if you have to take meds everyday then you can get them free:D which makes me very happy.

Emily I hope you are soon feeling better
Well I havn't been eating much since everytime I seem to try to eat more than bread the toilet becomes my best friend!

I'm sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well. I hope you get better soon. I know what you mean about the toilet, I've gotten to know it way better than I would like to also. :(

I don't have to pay for meds which is really nice

Well thats a finacial relief for you I'm sure. I wish meds didn't cost so darn much, it's like they don't want us to be able to get what we need to get better. I'm still not 100 percent, but I'm not coughing non stop now at least.

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