Going away for a week or so.


New member
Jun 18, 2007
Blue & Gold Macaw, Madison;
Yellow Naped Amazon, Rocky;
Timneh African Grey, Tyler
Hey guys I'll be gone for like a week or ten days or something, don't really know how long. My boyfriend and I are taking a trip to South Carolina. Should be fun, first time we've ever been able to really go away somewhere together.
Should I wear my bikini at Myrtle Beach and scare everyone away with my scars? lol I think I just might..
This should be really good for my skin. People are starting to post pictures of missing kids on me I'm so pale.
I'm a little upset, I had been doing really really great since my surgery and now all of a sudden last night I started hurting again. I hope it's just a fleeting thing, I can't deal with being sick anymore. I really don't want to test out the hospital there.
I think it might just be my back because I've got a pretty bad curve in it.. just not sure why it would start acting up when I haven't done anything bad to it. Cross your fingers for me that this goes away and I can have some fun.
My mom is taking care of all the birds for me, hopefully they behave themselves.
I'll miss you all and I'll talk to you when I get back!
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Hey guys, I made it back. Had a great time. Man it is HOT down there!!
We got stuck in this crappy hotel the first night. In the morning I realized I had forgotten shampoo so I went to the front desk to ask for some. The lady looked irritated and went in the back to grab one of the little freebie ones. I heard something familiar and turned around to see something rounded at the top and covered with a blanket. When the woman came back I asked her if she had a bird in there she said. "Yes, small bird"
I said "oh, a conure or something like that?"
She looked surprised and she said "No, small parrot"
She handed me the shampoo and then I guess she figured by the look of utter happiness on my face that I wasn't going to leave until she showed me. She muttered something about he should get up now anyways and uncovered him.
I said oh, a Senegal! He's gorgeous! I have parrots at home too and I really miss them.
She looked REALLY surprised then and said, "Yes, Senegal"
She then handed me a freebie conditioner and said "Here, have conditioner too." rofl..
Good thing I recognized the bird cage or I might have had a hard time combing my hair!

Myrtle Beach was really neat and really expensive. We went to Ripley's aquarium and while it was small, it was just amazing to walk through that tunnel and have these huge sharks swimming right next to you and over your head. I could have spent years in there.
Oh, palm trees! There are some on my boyfriends family's property! I just have to find out which one grows the right nuts for the birds and we are going to get some.
There are also those tiny lizards, Anoles running around all over the place. I amused myself for hours watching them and playing with them. My boyfriend probably thinks I'm insane now. I used to have them as pets all the time when I lived in New Jersey and we had to buy them at the pet store!

Unfortunately when I got home I found my huge Oscar fish, Clyde, lying on the bottom of his tank on his side nearly dead. My mom told me he was getting worse but I didn't realize it was this bad. :(
He's been ill and some overfeeding led to yucky water and infections. He seems much better this morning, which surprised me because I thought for sure he would die in the night. I felt like I was cooking him, turning up his heater and adding salt and garlic to the tank but so far so good, he even ate a few guppies this morning. Cross your fingers for him!
Every time I went near the tank and looked at him, Madison would say "ow" very quietly. Not the way she normally says it. I brought her over and she kind of tapped the glass by him and said, "ow, ow" I guess she knows he's sick!
It was pretty late when I got home but the bird room was relatively quiet.. I think everyone was upset about the fish. They spend quite a bit of time watching each other, after all.
Had lots of fun!! Really missed my computer!!

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