Green cheek ate some paper


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland
1 Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure: Cody <3
My green cheek accidently ingested some paper after I made him a foraging toy. :( It wasn't much, but I'm just making sure he'll be ok? It's never happened before.
My dusky has ingested almost half of a phone book over the past month.

Paper (in small doses) is not at all harmful. There are only two potential concerns with paper: if they eat a massive amount all at once it can cause a blockage, or the ink - some colored dyes are not safe. Plain or black and white paper in small doses though is nothing but a little extra fiber.
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Thank you so much! I was freaking out, lol. It was about a 1"x.5" piece that he ate before I realized it. Some food got stuck to the paper, and he started eating it thinking it was food.. Oh, and the paper was just plain white paper.

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