Green Cheek Conure Mutations



I want to know your guys's opinions. I am stuck on which mutation to get! Please tell me your favorite mutation for green cheeks and your favorite names for them male and female too:D!!!! Your opinions mean sooooo much to me! I REALLY want to know this from you. This is a green cheek breeder I have been contacting for info. Jerries

This is his homepage:D
I wouldn't really decide from the mutation, I would see them all and have one pick you. :)
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The thing is that he lives a couple hours away and I want to see how much they r so I can save up enough
I prefer Turquoise myself, or some of the Turquoise Pineapples, but that's just me!

If the breeder will allow you and you are close enough, you should interact with what offspring he has available and see if one takes particular interest in you!
I love yellow sided and pineapple conures, but if you have the option to visit the birds and let the bird choose you, do it :) Peeko chose me.
I wouldn't really decide from the mutation, I would see them all and have one pick you. :)


Color varieties are great, but the pet that picks its owner is far more affirming. For both owner and pet.

Rusty picked me, as did Syzygy... Scooter was always shy but bonded strongly to me. The others are rescues and tolerate me, but definitely prefer being independent. (granted, Rosie does do somersaults to get me to laugh and she knows if I've had a bad day, so I think she's accepted me as well... even Tybbi, with his perceived detachment, does call out for me when I leave the room... but the bird that chooses its owner is more inclined to be loving from the get-go.)
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Ok thanks you guys!! I'll have to see if my dad can drive me there. I don't know when though.
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Good news!!!! My dad said that when I round up the money he will drive me to the breeders!
I love the turquoise. But I find all the colors beautiful. I have a pineapple and just love her colors. But I really believe that the color should not be the deciding factor on getting any animal. Health and personality to me are more important. You don't want a beautiful bird that you can't handle.
I love the turquoise too, but i would also love to get a yellow-sided and maroon bellied. So many pretty birds! Someday I will have a flock :D
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i have found a breeder near me that i will go to when it is time and they have cinnamon green cheek females for $200!! The cinnamon mutation especially caught my eye!
I love hybrids. I have a fiery shoulder conure x yellow sided green cheek.

disposition wise- cinnamon are gentle and docile compared to most. I dont know why.. but breeding them, it seems to prove true every time.
I love hybrids. I have a fiery shoulder conure x yellow sided green cheek.

I'm always looking to add photos to an online hybrid parrots photo album!
When i got "the bird itch" I originally thought I wanted a sun conure....i think they are just so vividly colorful. But, by the time I was actually ready for a 8 week green cheek kept doing tricks for me in Petco while I was trying to buy catfood. The little booger had even found a way to climb up the side of his glass enclosure. I went on a weekend vacation and decided if he was still there, it was meant to be. Well....7 months later, we have a bond better than i could ever imagine.
Def let the bird pick you!
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum/website and was hoping as you were all discussing the mutations of conures that you could help me?

I got Lenny my (black capped conure) from the petshop about 4 months ago now, and was told he was a black capped conure.
However, he is showing signs of different mutations?
1) He has a white beak,
2) He has yellow/orange and red spots all over his feathers in patches and spread out.
3) He doesnt look like a black capped or green cheek?

Please help!!

Sorry also he is green all over, but has all the different colours/mutations
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I have a yellow sided and she picked me. I wouldn't trade her for the world.
@looney a picture might help to identify your hybrid. Although sometimes bad breeders just mix whatever together and get a mix that you may not have seen before. This is a big issue in amazons:s.

Personally I prefer just the normal green check but I do like the yellow sided and turquoise. As stated or the bird choose you may want a turquoise and a normal little green hick may take your heart or you may take his:). Birds pick who they love and who they don't.

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