Hard decision


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
I was at the bird specialty store that I frequent for my food and toys today. Every time I go there I make the rounds of the birds they have and give scratches and get my fingers chewed on by those that are friendly. They have some really great birds there but this time my eye fell upon a Senegal Parrot. Very sweet, gentle and friendly bird. And my heart melted. This one is up for adoption, not sale. Just need a cage.

I have a very strong affinity for Senegals. My first bird larger than a budgie was one I adopted out of a bad situation. She started off as a terrified wreck but ended her life as a people loving snuggle bird. I have long thought that should I get the chance I would bring home another. The problem is that my place, an apartment, is not ideal for having 3 birds. I have room enough but the natural lighting is not the best. I'm planning on buying a place soon (I hope) and I'm making sure that it will have a nice setup for my birds. I just don't know when that might be.

So here I am, thinking of that bird ever since I left the store trying to decide what would be best for me, my two Blue Crowns and the Senegal. What really makes it all the more tempting is that Tootsie prefers to spend her time with Rosa now that the two of them have become buddies. I know it could happen when I brought Rosa home and I don't regret it one bit. But I do miss my snuggle time and it seems that the Senegal could provide that for me again.

Decisions, decisions...

By the way, anyone ever encounter a Black Lory before? The bird store has one. First time I even knew they existed. Stunning bird and very friendly. And it has some of the oddest mannerisms I have ever seen in a bird before. I wanna take him home too!


New member
Dec 1, 2011
Well, natural lighting isn't everything. Modern windows block 90% of the UV rays our birds need anyway. I provide mine with full spectrum lighting for birds.

You need to base your decision on whether or not you feel you have the time for all 3, IMO. If you do and would like the bird, I don't see anything wrong with that.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Central Oregon (Paradise!)
Keen: female, YSGCC & Opi: male, Pied Cockatiel & Milo: male, Timneh African Grey
Well, natural lighting isn't everything. Modern windows block 90% of the UV rays our birds need anyway. I provide mine with full spectrum lighting for birds.

You need to base your decision on whether or not you feel you have the time for all 3, IMO. If you do and would like the bird, I don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree with roxynoodle. Good luck!!


New member
Jul 13, 2011
Darcy (Golden-Collared Macaw), Puck (Caique - RIP)
My lighting isn't very good, but Puck sure does love his full spectrum light! I didn't even realize it was as bad as it is until Puck pointed it out. I got him his own light, and he loooooooooooves it! I didn't realize how little he was grooming himself, until I got it for him. Now he grooms all the time and seems a lot happier.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
I'm investing in a full spectrum light for Alex over the next month. We live in a freezing place, so it is hard to take him outside for +90% of the year. That and bird theft is rampant here. I only realised how it would help while on vacation at my parents and he got some sun! And his sister who lives outside (know the owners) is admittedly a bit brighter in colour then him. I don't think U.V lights are 100% necessary (plenty of birds live inside without them and do fine and more then fine) but they sure do help!


New member
Dec 1, 2011
My birds love them, too, and will even hold out their wings and sun bathe when I turn them on. There was very little overhead lighting in this house when I bought it. I've been adding it as I remodel each room, but for the most part once it's dark outside, it's dark in here.

And I don't take them outside anymore due to West Nile virus and the number of birds of prey circling above that scare them. And I live in a cold climate half the year.


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Stitch the Blue Crown Conure
I say go for it, it sounds like you're a good match and the space and light issue aren't forever. Cheers!


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
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I went there today to spend some time with the bird and he is going to come home with me. Just got to get through the adoption process and get a cage and he will be here.

It was a very good meeting with him. He was a little reluctant to come out of the cage with the store attendant but stepped right up onto my finger and was accepting scratches within a minute or two. I got him going with some "beak waves", a Senegal thing where they rapidly open and close their beaks. Little bit later and he was offering me his dinner. I played with him for close to an hour. Got quite a few laughs cause he is a whistler and microwave beeper.

Very calm little guy. Let me touch and handle him all over without protest. Was slightly worried when I reached straight over his head one time but quickly accepted that I was not going to be doing anything other than give a scratch. Yanked on my glasses. Honked my nose. And he seemed like he was perfectly fine with me. Does not seem to be afraid of new things at all. Wanted to chew on my wallet the moment it came within range and was not concerned at all when I touched him on the head with a card. He had a "What is that? Can I chew on it?" attitude. Didn't take me long to make the decision. I have a feeling that I'm going to need a supply of new bird shirts.

The only negative is that he seems like he might be a little possessive. The store was closing and I was going to give him back to the attendant and he lunged right after her with intent. She did say that he could sometimes get nippy with her but there was none of that evident in his interactions with me. So I will keep that in mind as a possibility since he has been bounced from two homes at just 5 years old. Always got to keep in mind that a rescue might have issues but I think we are going to be just fine. I'm happy with the decision to bring him home. Now I just can't wait for him to get here!


New member
Dec 15, 2011
RIP Constantine: Jenday Conure
Congrats! You must be super excited to be bringing a new baby to your home. I'm excited for you lol Sounds like he'll be going to a great home :)


New member
Feb 18, 2011
1 nanday conure Black Jack, 1 Brotogeris parakeet Whiff, 1 ring neck dove Eliza, and 6 society finches (3 are tame). RIP my parent pairs of societies and my little gouldian finches
congrats! he sounds adorable! oh and if your ever interested, mikyTN has a black lory i believe, they're supposed to be pretty gentle :0)


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
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Figured that I would share a picture of him. Unfortunately my camera wanted to focus on everything but the bird. Whatever his name was previously is no longer known so I think that I'm going to call him Sidney. Would work either way if he turns out to be a she.


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New member
Oct 17, 2011
Central Oregon (Paradise!)
Keen: female, YSGCC & Opi: male, Pied Cockatiel & Milo: male, Timneh African Grey
Figured that I would share a picture of him. Unfortunately my camera wanted to focus on everything but the bird. Whatever his name was previously is no longer known so I think that I'm going to call him Sidney. Would work either way if he turns out to be a she.

Sidney is PRECIOUS!


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Cory: Short billed Corella -
Echo: Galah -
Max: Alexandrine -
Skye: Yellow Sided conure -
Luka: Green Cheek Conure -
RIP Shrek: Quaker
He's gorgeous... I can hear how excited you are, and I don't blame you one little bit... lol


New member
Jun 1, 2011
So glad you decided to take him! He's in for a treat coming home with you :)


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
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Sidney came home with me today. I was planning on leaving him in his new cage once I had it set up until he got used to the new surroundings but he had other ideas. Ended up spending a good portion of the evening sitting on my finger preening or on my shoulder snuggling up against the pillow I had behind my head. He was relaxed enough to start eating shortly after he arrived and I showed him where the food and water is at. He nibbled at the food, chewed half an almond and later put down about half of a Nutriberry. Overall, I'm quite happy with his first evening.

I'm going to have to be aware of his sleeping patterns. The bird store who was fostering him closes at 6 and after they do their daily cleaning I'm sure that the lights are out by 7 or so and the birds all go to sleep. He was definitely tired and ready to sleep by 8. Unfortunately I don't have a bird room (yet) and I'm up til 10 most nights. I'm going to start taking my laptop into the bedroom as early as I can so he can sleep more. I did reach in to give him a goodnight scritch and he lunged at me. So a sleepy bird induced bad mood for sure.

Photos and an introduction in the Poicephalus forum to come in the next day or two.http://www.parrotforums.com/poicephalus/


New member
Jan 9, 2012
Chewy ~ 3 year old green cheek conure

Toki ~ 2 year old Budgie
congrats on your new family member he is beautiful


New member
Jul 13, 2011
Darcy (Golden-Collared Macaw), Puck (Caique - RIP)

Puck gets grumpy when he hasn't had enough sleep, lol. He'll be grouchy ALL day! Sidney could also have been reacting to the new environment. He was probably stressed. D:

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