Harness size


New member
Jan 23, 2015
Orange winged amazon
sun conure
Quick question, I bought my orange wing a small harness from aviator. But to me it looks to small. My problem is I have just started training him with it and he doesn't let me put it on to check size. Just wondering if anyone else uses these and could help.
I think i use the medium size. A check of your owas weight would help when ordering.
Yup, our Captain (henpecked) is right. You need to know your bird's weight in order to get the correct size harness. :)

My Amazons have the mediums.
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I don't have a scale yet to weigh him. I will get one and go from there. Thanks.
Yea they recommend weight for sizes. I got a medium for my Amazon. (Came today)

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