Hartman Aviary Pics


New member
Jan 15, 2007
Sisqo & GiGi-DYH & BF Amazons

Snow & Blue-Budgies
Sorry everbody...I think I had a Karen moment or something...hahahaha.

Anyway, Peta, Tex, feel free to delete the first four attempts if you like :)

This guy was a cutie...quite the pooper though

Soo friendly. I want one!



It was raining when we went, and this guy was flipping around his rope and getting wet



I have some more pics, but maybe one day when I get a computer I will be able to dl them. Until then...
Re: Hartman Aviary pics

These are excellent photos Nicole! Thank you ... they are all beauties! :)
Re: Hartman Aviary pics

Ok, I am trying to delete the extra posts ... I have successfully deleted and restored this THREAD TWICE NOW ... please give me a moment and I can get the extra posts deleted ...

Hehehehe I've had a few moments like that, as Tex can probably tell ya. :D

Anyway got this one back up I hope,

They are brilliant pics I'm still sooooooooo jealous that you went and didn't even take me with ya. :D
Peta, you saved my butt ... I thought I had deleted this thread ... I thought Nicole was going to beat me! :eek:
Ya know, that picture of the HY is AWESOME -- still awaiting the day when I get to have my first encounter with one! :D
Nicole those pics are excellent, and the birdies look like their having a nice time there is that right?:D

I loved the face of that little grey one! :D

Thanks for sharing! :)
Ya know Tex, I remember deleting a thread once, only I managed to get rid of it completely :eek: Had to get the person to repost it. :D :eek:

Tex you've gotta meet a Hy in person, they are awesome. Seeing them in pictures isn't the same, but hey I'll take pictures over not seeing them at all.
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I remember deleting a thread once, only I managed to get rid of it completely

I remember you did that to a thread that Tracy and I had posted about Rescue Groups!

Sorry the pics are so big, how do I resize them from photobucket? I think you told me one time Peta, and I forgot.
first off.. nice boob shot... lol next what is the blue stuff on the grey's head?

beautiful pictures I want them all lol
I remember you did that to a thread that Tracy and I had posted about Rescue Groups!

Sorry the pics are so big, how do I resize them from photobucket? I think you told me one time Peta, and I forgot.

Yeah, I was gonna keep it quiet as to who I did it too, :eek: oh well guess the cats outta the bag now, :D Honestly though it isn't personal really it isn't :D
Greats pics Nicole!!! Didn't you want to take them all home??? :D I've only seen Hy's in person down in Florida at Animal Kingdom.

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