Hatch date 1/4/15


New member
Mar 15, 2015
"Loki" turquoise GCC 1/4/15 hatch date-- "Chiqui" amazon 9/2010 hatch date---- "Banner" green parrotlet hatchdate 11/22/16

RIP "pineapple" lovebird
So I just confirmed my little ones hatch date. 1/4 puts him very young. He does dive into his roudybush pellets with a relish and drinks and seems happy. I really can't get him to eat much fresh stuff though. The first day he did but today turned his little beak at everything I offered. And I was eating with them, chicky took everything he wouldn't touch so she was happy with his choices. But I'm not.

This is my first baby. I've only had older rescues with behavior and trust issues. I'm at a loss as to what normal is.

He "mumbles" and chatters a lot. Sometimes tries to bite me, but usually seems jealous after he's seen me with chicky. Once he's with me he doesn't want to leave and wants to be super close. Tonight I tried to share fruit, green beans, even a tiny piece of pizza crust. Nothing. Offered pellets and he did grab some and ate those. Then I noticed he was getting sleepy so I cradled him under my hand and rubbed his head. Eyes closed... So I gently put him up to his cozy hut thing up high in his cage and there he stayed. So I covered the cage and left him to sleep.
He doesn't scream at all. It's a chatter I would say.
But I'm just worried now that I know how young he is.
I was going to start clicker training but I can't find a treat he will take. Really won't take anything at all from my hand unless I'm holding the bowl of food and then he cuddles up in my hand and chows down. He ate fresh fruit and green beans the first night.

Actually can't find a treat either of them will reliably take... And I offered a LOT tonight. The only ones chicky wants are fresh mango (that's way too hard to offer for training!), and the yogurt covered treats that are huge and you can't cut up. Tried almonds, various freeze dried fruits including mango... Guess I need to try sunflower seeds but she hasn't been on a seed diet- people food only. So this is very difficult
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Oh and his biting is definitely not hard... But when he seems jealous he does look like a little whirlwind being a bad bird. But almost seems to desperately want my attention still.
It's weird.

It feels just like a baby thing but like I said I have no experience with a baby bird. Baby kittens baby horses I have under control
It'll just take you a little to get used to it. You must teach him right from the beginning on what is or isn't acceptable to do. Just like how you would teach a child.
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How do I teach him to eat fresh foods?
What is a common foolproof mash or warm food that even the pickiest of pickies want?
I wish I can do the search function off my phone so I can find those posts for you but we have them in stickies about how to make mush food for our birds.
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Ok I'll go read them

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