Have come to a decision.


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Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
Over the last few weeks Kito has become a real sod, a brat in fact. He will fly over to us and bite, flying off straight away. To put him in has become a work of art (Bucc has decided he will follow Kito's lead on this one) we will have our night time cuddles, and just before putting him in off he goes, He has decided he doesn't want to go in and thats it, he's flying off everytime you get near him. When I call him to me he will ignore me completley. :mad: It gets at the stage when everyone, fids and humans are so worked up and stressed out. He has taken it upon himself to start flying AT people and then spiking them with his feet, If he isn't quite quick enough to fly off and he lands on you watch out he will then turn and bite. He has also decided he is going to poop wherever he wants too. :eek:

My decision is to have them clipped :17: and then start on the re-training. Bucc has leant some good things from Kito, but he is also learning some really not so good things. I shall be speaking to my vet on Monday and hopefully will be able to get them in sometime during the week, when Andi gets back from his trip. He's taking Jemma for her holiday to stay with her Great Grandmother.

Bucc would be easy to re-train if Kito was in all the time, but as thats not gonna happen then they both get the clip. :17: I'm not really looking forward to this as I love having my birds fully flighted, but I also want the well behaved boys back that I had until a little while ago. Its going to take a lot of hard work on my part, just to remember to take them to go potty, rather than them going to their usual spots (java Tree) when they want to go.
Peta, it's sad that you have to do something you don't really want to do, but you have already mentioned all the beneits that you will get by clipping them.

Kito really makes me laugh :18: when I read your posts but I think Bucc is my favourite.:D

I'm sure you will do great job with them once more, and you will have more time now that Jemma will go on holidays.
Tell us how you get on.. :)
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Thanks pheobus, I really don't want to do this, but I know for my sanity and Kito's neck :18: it has to be done.

Yeah kito makes me laugh, right before I want to strangle the little *******

I put Kito away a few mins ago, and left Bucc out, what a difference that was, He kept sitting here with me looking at all your fids saying I like that one, Cricket was getting lots of wolf whistles, then he stated asking "wheres ito (he hasn't quite got Kito) he's a good boy noooooooooooooooo" Quick translation is he's been naughty. :D
:18::18::18: I love that guy!

What a goodhearted bird he is!

Would Kito look for him too if he was out alone or he just wouldn't care?:rolleyes: :D
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If ever Bucc has to have a time out (inside the cage) then Kito hates it, and goes and lets him out, he's worked out that he can open the top hatch of the cage. Bucc taught him to do that, I have to hide the latch up.

If he can't let him out then he sits by the cage all the time, trying to preen him through the bars. :D
I'm sorry Kito I thought like that for you! :eek:
You are a good and loving bird too.. :)

A little young maybe but definetely good.. :)
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A little young maybe but definetely good.. :)

Yeah he's really good at doing everything he knows he shouldn't . :D:D:D
I'm sorry Kito I thought like that for you! :eek:
You are a good and loving bird too.. :)

A little young maybe but definetely good.. :)
Sorry I posted the same once more... :D
As you have all noticed I am very good at computers..:D
Aww, dog-gone-it Peta, your decision is not without angst. :( (And, much thought!). I love how beautiful Moj and Cecil are with free flighted wings; graceful looking. But, too, I know the delimma I have with baby Timothy and his expert-Houdini escapism mannerisms ... I hated to clip little Timmy, but for training, trust and bonding it was agreed upon with my vet that it was really the only viable option ........... with that said, I still did it very hesitantly (kicking and screaming--no, I'm just joking ;) ), but I still didn't like being there watching little Timothy's beautiful flights being sheared one by one.

I think for the reasons you've put forth, that your decision is very well thought out and will result in the behavior changes you are looking toward accomplishing.

But, again, darn, I wish we could do it leaving their beautiful flights in tact ... I know you do too, (((Peta))).

:58: Master Kito, you naughty little boy ... don't you give your mama such heartache! :58:
Daisy was going spastic and all it took wass a wing clip to get her to settle down and be a good birdy although if I decide to show her I need to let her wings grow out so we will see
another question about wing clipping - I have had Sidney since January and I can't tell that he is getting any more flight feathers he can't fly at all except a light glide down, but it seems like I'm constantly trimming the teils feathers and even though he's molted and grown new tail feathers his flights haven't grown back???? any ideas?
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But, again, darn, I wish we could do it leaving their beautiful flights in tact ... I know you do too, (((Peta))).

Yeah so do I, This decision has not come lightly or overnight, but the dive bombing is NOT acceptable at all, and while I either make him swerve me or fly right into the back of my head :eek: (for which I end up getting a bite for) the kids are now becoming experts at crawling on the floor. He has decided that he can do just as he likes and just fly off. Think I could with him being a pain as I would work with him in a very small room but then that means that Bucc has to stay in and thats not fair. But when they are both out Bucc sees him doing all these things and is starting to do the same, so before my well behaved and loving boy (Bucc) becomes just as much of a monster as the other misbehaved loving boy (hmmm wonder who that could be) then a clip its gonna have to be.

Was thinking of just nailing them to the Java Tree everytime I did the training with them. ;) Bet they couldn't fly off then. :D Its really not something I'm looking forward to doing I have to say.

I've been thinking of all the reasons why I shouldn't do this and there are many, then I think of all the reasons I should do it and they come out on top everytime. I wish they didn't but they do.

Again thank you for your kind words, I'll probably be crying on your shoulders when this has been done.
Kelli ... are there really bird shows? I've never even heard of such a thing ... that is interesting. (When, where, how?) :confused:

I don't understand molting/flight feathers, plummage very well ... but, when we got Cecil, the (irresponsible breeder "hoarder") did an extreme, severe clip on her before she sent her with us (Cec was our first parrot). It was countless, countless months before she grew her flights in. Probably won't help, but thought to offer it as my own experience.
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Sidneys not quite a year old yet is he, Oh hang on tho' when do conures go through their first big molt? I really should do more research on conures, but hey I have you Tex and Christy to answer these questions. :D

Seriously tho' I wouldn't think that he would start getting his flights until he's had his first big molt,
... I'll probably be crying on your shoulders when this has been done.

I have wide, soft shoulders and plenty of tissue. ...No, it is not a decision you've taken lightly. No one should. But, I think your reasoning is very sound.
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Thanks, just keep them shoulders soft and the tissues coming. :D :D

Good night all, I'm gonna be heading for my bed now. Well after a quick play time with the boys. :18: (can ya tell I feel guilty)

Good night, my dear, and enjoy your boys and your sound slumber. In the morning we shall meet! :smile019:
My decision is to have them clipped :17: and then start on the re-training.

:eek: Wow, really Peta ... this is a surprise, but they are much easier to train this way ... I'm telling you, long clipped is the way to go ... they are still mobil, but not very fast nor very graceful about it ... (like Mac's trip into the washing machine the other night ...)

Sidneys not quite a year old yet is he, Oh hang on tho' when do conures go through their first big molt? I really should do more research on conures, but hey I have you Tex and Christy to answer these questions.

"Encyclopedia Tex" at your seervice ... Counres first big moult is like 8 - 10 months old (Hamlet's working on a small one as we speak) and it can take up to 2 years to moult out all their green baby feathers (in a sunny anyway) ... sexual maturity is between 2 and 3 years old for most of the breeds ...

I am also trying to become a BIG MAC expert (and no Minzer, not the type at McDonalds, but rather the BIG MACS that make Iggy's beak look so very tiny by comparison, 'cause I will have one one of these days ... )
... I'm telling you, long clipped is the way to go ... they are still mobil, but not very fast nor very graceful about it ...

Timothy is such an adept, graceful, FAST flier, I had to go with a safe, short clip. In all other instances that we've had to clip, I go with a long clip ... one that allows brevity of flight with a very safe (long) landing.

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