hello everyone !! <3


New member
Dec 7, 2021
I'm beau and I'm new to parrot forums ! i don't own a bird right now , but I've had a cockatiel and took care of my neighbor's cockatoo for a couple months . I've been planning to get a b&g macaw for almost a year but since Lithuania is small and doesn't have much exotic pets in the stores , there's a 99% chance I'll never end up with one. I've done tons of research about macaws and i accidentally stumbled upon this advertisement ... there was this person selling 3 b&g's . the advertisement was there for a bit , but a few days ago someone bought the last one :( I've been searching where to buy a b&g for the past 5 hours but i can't find anything :/ i saw a couple african greys , but i know absoloutely nothing about them and i don't think i was meant to have one ..
Hi! Welcome to the forum!
Blue and Golds are large parrots (obviously) and large parrots, especially macaws and cockatoos, are quite demanding and take up a lot of your time which Iโ€™m sure from your research, you already know about.
But in my opinion and I believe I can speak for most, no amount of research can prepare you for the heavy time, work, expense, and mental preparation that comes with owning these parrots.
Not to say that you can never own one, but just to say be careful and take time to think about what you get yourself into as this decision will affect all aspects of your life, others that live with you, and of course your bird when you acquire them. You didnโ€™t mention your age yet so Iโ€™m wondering about that.
But other than age, are you in school? Plan to work outside of home in the future? Relationships? May sound crazy to mention these things (if you are still young) but at a young age, many life transitions are at your way and can greatly affect the long term quality of your B&Gโ€™s life so itโ€™s crucial not to just limit to short term thinking. This is all just to help you with your decision of getting your bird, but if you are keen on this decision and know it is for you and you can handle that big responsibility, then go for it!
However you did mention that your area doesnโ€™t sell many exotics, but you can possibly try other locations outside of your nearby places. It might be at most a couple hour drive but maybe worth a try. Try looking on Craigslist (if it is accessible to you Iโ€™m not sure) for people who are rehoming their birds, or perhaps create a post stating that you are looking for one yourself.
Hope this helps you create clarity in your final decision and finding a way to bring home your new feathered friend! Keep updating when need be, and feel free to ask the forum for any tips if you do get your B&G!
Welcome Beau, respect for researching and dreaming big! You may have to cast a wide net locating the parrot of your desires. Varies by region and nation, always best to have some hands-on experience to avoid buyer's remorse. Any rescues, sanctuaries, or friends with access to large parrots? Many species a life-long commitment with challenges and joys!
Hi, welcome! Good luck deciding on a species, you'll find lots of help here!
Welcome and be welcomed.

All the advice given on this board is meant to prepare folks to the realities of owning a given species. I mean aside from the games and general goofyness. Hope you find the B&G of your dreams, I love them personally, but far to big for me.
I'm beau and I'm new to parrot forums ! i don't own a bird right now , but I've had a cockatiel and took care of my neighbor's cockatoo for a couple months . I've been planning to get a b&g macaw for almost a year but since Lithuania is small and doesn't have much exotic pets in the stores , there's a 99% chance I'll never end up with one. I've done tons of research about macaws and i accidentally stumbled upon this advertisement ... there was this person selling 3 b&g's . the advertisement was there for a bit , but a few days ago someone bought the last one :( I've been searching where to buy a b&g for the past 5 hours but i can't find anything :/ i saw a couple african greys , but i know absoloutely nothing about them and i don't think i was meant to have one ..
Hi Beau,
I would recommend that look to see if there is a veterinarian in your area that can work with parrots. You will find that once in a while you'll need their services. And when you do get your new friend, take him or her to the vet right away to establish a baseline health evaluation and possibly vaccinations.
Best wishes.
Hello and welcome to the forums!:)
Hey you know what..
I recognise that pfp from somewhere..
welco beau |~<3

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