Hello from Tacoma


New member
Apr 28, 2015
Tacoma, WA
Tess - 4YO female Blue and Gold
Chico - 13YO male Blue and Gold rescue
Hi all!
I stumbled across the forums while looking around for information. I have loved parrots since I was a kid, starting with a Spectacled Amazon I rescued at the age of 16.
I currently have a 3 year old B&G Macaw that I rescued a year ago she was being neglected in a cage in the back room of a house so the owner (a very busy nurse) realized she needed to rehome the bird. After a little bit of effort Tess became a member of the family and is loving towards my Wife, son and myself.

I love rescuing birds and giving something with a bleak future a good and loving one. If I had the room and money I'd rescue every one I could but I need to limit myself or the wife'll kill me. :eek:
Hello and a warm Welcome to you and your B&G! So happy you joined us. Looking forward to hearing more about your rescue and maybe seeing photos.

Thank you for your service to our country! You are appreciated!
Hi all!
I stumbled across the forums while looking around for information. I have loved parrots since I was a kid, starting with a Spectacled Amazon I rescued at the age of 16.
I currently have a 3 year old B&G Macaw that I rescued a year ago she was being neglected in a cage in the back room of a house so the owner (a very busy nurse) realized she needed to rehome the bird. After a little bit of effort Tess became a member of the family and is loving towards my Wife, son and myself.

I love rescuing birds and giving something with a bleak future a good and loving one. If I had the room and money I'd rescue every one I could but I need to limit myself or the wife'll kill me. :eek:

Hi there! Welcome to the forum. Like you, I was a parrots lover since I was like 12 years old. Currently I'm 21 years old and still in loves with parrot!

I would like to rescued a parrot but too bad in Singapore, most people tends to sell them off as parrots like macaw, amazon etc commands quite high price here.
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thanks for the warm welcome!
this is my baby.
When I got her she was filthy and the owner smacked her because she wouldnt come out of the cage and was nipping. The hit to the bird is what pushed my wife to the "yes we are definitely getting her" side. I had to use my fleece jacket to cover Tess and get her into the pet carrier. I had never smelled a bird that stunk so bad, and even a year after having her, Tess still isn't that big into showers which is one of the biggest things we are working on now.
Awww, Tess is a beauty! I'm so glad she found you and your wife.

I think it's unspeakable to hit any being, but hitting a bird is a special kind of disgusting!
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Awww, Tess is a beauty! I'm so glad she found you and your wife.

I think it's unspeakable to hit any being, but hitting a bird is a special kind of disgusting!

I agree, my wife liked birds (I had an amazon when we got married but that bird hated anyone but me) but was never a real bird person. I was actually afraid my wife was going to get violent when the lady hit Tess.
Now my wife is fully in love with our feathered daughter :blue1:. :)
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within six months she went from trying to bite everyone to this:
Hiya, and welcome to the forums! :)

Tess is one VERY beautiful young lady! And quite the snuggly girl you turned her into. Loving it!! :D

B&Gs are SO much fun, aren't they??
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absolutely! She is definitely a cheeky girl!
she's also a buzzsaw when it comes to anything that can be chewed.

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