hello I got a new amazon...


New member
Feb 23, 2012
I have a African grey,a expected a half moon conjure soon getting a Senegal.
I just got a amazon. Just seeing if anyone has any suggestions she is a she. She is 3 years old had a bad experience with a dog that liked to jump at her so I'm working with her she was flighted but I just got her yesterday I did clip her wings so I can hand work with her. Since her bad experience with the dog the bad dog experience happened in her previous home not mine.she hasn't came out of her cage so any suggestions on how to start with out causing her a lot of stress.. If I try to get her out of her cage she goes into a panic zone with growling and staying in the far corner..I did get her out to clip her wings she did pretty well she seems to not remember or wants to step up ...so anyone got any suggestions where to start,with stick training, clicker she has. Great potential she also was a hand fed baby she used to be a big love bug I was told she Is an amazing talker and singer I jut want to get some suggestions, this I not my first parrot I also have a African grey and a eclectus that are extremely tame so I let her see that when I handle my other parrots .thanks for the help.:green:
Sounds like you already know what you need to do, but time and space, safety and security, calm, patience and gentle supportive encouragement would be key.

Have you tried playing relaxation music with soothing natural sounds, eg, running water, bird calls, etc (NO LION ROARS OR DOG BARKS!!!), for her in the middle of the day, eg, from 1 pm to 2 pm?
Yes, time and patience. I would also try singing to her as amazons love that, and since yours already sings, you know she loves it. That may have been one of the turning points with bonding with mine when I adopted him. It's still probably his favorite thing that I do with him.

And I wouldn't try to force her out. Leave the door open and I'm sure eventually she will begin coming out. You can try sitting on the floor, too, with it open and let her decide to come down to you. It will make you less threatening, and get the bird to be curious about what you are doing down there.
Firs she ned to adobt to the home and trust you so dont try to force. Just be around and talk and wait until she will come out from the cage and come closer to you
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thank you everyone I will try those suggestions I no it will be a process and lots of love and patience and I have a lot of that to offer her.
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update on my amazon...dolly. She has made remarkable improvements clicker target training is the best technique.along with love respect an understanding she now steps up when he hears the clicker and says step up ....she is truly a loving girl and now says momma I love you..I new she had a lot of potential when I went to initally went to look at her before I got her, she now understands step up and trust can go along way, and she has taught me that love respect and sharing our lives with these amazing friends makes our lives so happy I wouldn't trade any of it for the world..just wanted to share my training success...thanks everyone...
When I first got Mr. Precious, my OWA, he was 11 yr old & had bounced around after his original owner died. He had a cage with a playpen on top so I just opened the door & let him come out when he was ready. He is my first bird ever & not sure if it's "typical" but it took him at least two months to voluntarily come out when I wanted him to. Time & patience is all I can say.

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