I was told upon registering to create a thread to introduce myself and my avian companion, so without further ado..
My name is Aidan Hicks, and I am part of a family whom owns a male electus parrot - his name is Dell. He came with the name, as he had a brother called Rodney who had been purchased prior to us finding Dell (Kudos to you if you get the reference).
We've had him for around ten years and haven't had any major problems, Dell's always very excited to meet new people (A bit too excited, screeches a lot before flying onto their shoulder for the whole time they stay).
The reason I decided to join a parrot forum is because while Dell's always been friendly and not caused too many problems, he's unusually touchy - he won't let anyone put their hands anywhere near him. In response to this, he'll usually put his beak around your fingers, almost warning you if you come closer he'll chomp.
I've always wanted to do a bit more with Dell rather than just let him sit on my shoulder now and then, so I joined this forum to get some tips and tricks on how to bond with Dell a bit more.
Sorry if this isn't a very good intro, I don't write these sorts of things very often. Also attached a hasty pic of me and Dell.
My name is Aidan Hicks, and I am part of a family whom owns a male electus parrot - his name is Dell. He came with the name, as he had a brother called Rodney who had been purchased prior to us finding Dell (Kudos to you if you get the reference).
We've had him for around ten years and haven't had any major problems, Dell's always very excited to meet new people (A bit too excited, screeches a lot before flying onto their shoulder for the whole time they stay).
The reason I decided to join a parrot forum is because while Dell's always been friendly and not caused too many problems, he's unusually touchy - he won't let anyone put their hands anywhere near him. In response to this, he'll usually put his beak around your fingers, almost warning you if you come closer he'll chomp.
I've always wanted to do a bit more with Dell rather than just let him sit on my shoulder now and then, so I joined this forum to get some tips and tricks on how to bond with Dell a bit more.
Sorry if this isn't a very good intro, I don't write these sorts of things very often. Also attached a hasty pic of me and Dell.