

New member
Aug 16, 2007
WA United States
2 large macaws 1 CAG, 1 mini macaw, 1 amazon, 1 cockatoo
Newbie to this forum.

I am owned by 6 birds, (3 of them were rescue/secondhand) and various other creatures.
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Hey there ... until BlackNova corrects your status as a "regular member" you will not be able to use colors or post pics/videos ... it's a spam safeguard that we have in place here on this forum ... I have already PM'd him and let him know that you are a legit member and you should be fully functional in the next few hours when he comes on! ... in the mean time, I will fix this post for you! :D
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Thanks for adding the photo and video. I was trying to do that but I couldn't get it to work.
Love the videos, haven't seen them before now ... Love the walk like and Egyptian.
Hi and welcome to ya. I love the pics they are great, I love that you've even given your fids chairs to sit on :D now what about a parasol

Seriously they are brilliant, can't wait to see more pics.
Wow I love all those pics! From the pics your birds seem really friendly.

You must tell me all about the aviary, what it's made out of, how big it is, how long it took, etc....

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Well I bought a powder coated dog kennel from Costco and then I bought 1x1squares 14 guage stainless steel wire mesh ROLE 4x100 ft from a company out of California.

I used a plastic roof from homedepot the kind you see on greenhouses.

I used wire and hogrings to tie the mesh onto the structure...

The aviary is 8x8x8 ft not real big but it does the job. I have to bring the 2 big macs out there seperately from the smaller guys.

Well it took a while to complete because of rain and what not... Also tieing the wire to the mesh to the pole was slow and tedious. Then I had to dremal all the sharp points off the wire and hogrings.. NOT FUN..

Thats it sorda in a nutshell
Well it took a while to complete because of rain and what not

Thats the exact problem we are having at the moment. Rain, rain and more rain here. :(
Well I will welcome you properly here!

Welcome to parrotforums!

I loved your pics and videos!Oh and Lily ofcourse, she is so lovely!

I think now we all want to see more! :D
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  • #14
I took that video off and added another one that is the same, but it has a different ending....

Here is the new one.
Agh! I hate dialup! I never get to see any videos!
I'm sure they are really cool!
A bit late in my welcome but.. welcome!! :D

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