

New member
May 5, 2014
Harrisburg, PA
Hi everyone, my name is Madison. I joined this forum to sell donuts. Nah, just kidding. :09: I joined in hopes to get a bird. (Of course, lol.) I have been studying all about them for a little while now. Mainly conures and cockatiels. Since I do not want tiny birds. Like parakeets or finches. But, I wanted to come here first to find out what kind to get. I only have 2 problems.
1. I don't want a bird that a screeches a lot. If its only occasionally, that's ok. I'm fine with that. But I don't want it to be terrible loud. (Like a sun conure. I heard they are loud!) Also, my mom doesn't want loud noises either. Which is why we dont really want two of them. Since they can be louder together. (We had 2 parakeets before, and they were loud! Louder than my mom liked.) So, what are some quieter birds?
2. Time. I am still in school, and I have a job. So, some days I won't be home a lot. (Actually, almost everyday. since I have school during the day, and work during the day.) Plus, I go on a few vacations here and there. Although, they usually aren't very long. I would have a few hours to be home almost every day, but some I may only have an hour or so. But, I promise, that during this time, I will be with the bird.) So, is there any bird that doesn't need to be out all day long? Is an hour to a few hours good enough?
So, what do you guys think? I want something a little bigger. Like a cockatiel, maybe? Something like that, haha. Sorry I didn't say much about myself, I am on my phone, so it doesn't work well with typing, haha.


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
Hello and welcome, Madison! Even if you came here to sell donuts I wouldn't be complaining.. I personally feel like my town needs a 24/hr donut shop. :p
The problem with noise, is you will never find a bird that comes with a 'quietness' garuntee. It is buried in their instincts and natural behavior to get loud for multiple reasons, and not something that is easily "trained" away.
Sure, some birds are quieter than others, but generally speaking the bigger the bird the louder the noise. If two parakeets were too much, then I'm not sure how much quieter birds get(especially bigger than keets.)
Not only that, but you say you just want one, but if there are days when you're only home 1-2 hours then the bird is more likely to scream out of boredom if he/she decides the cage isn't entertaining enough. Most birds should get 4~ hours of out-of-cage-time, and though it is difficult for some people, it's best not to let that get below 2 hours. (At least not for multiple days of the week, anyway. Once or twice a week shouldn't be too bad. But every bird is different.)
My conures, green cheek and white eared, they have each other, a cage of toys, a play stand, and all sorts of food, but they'll still scream for seemingly no reason. Why? Because they're birds.
So if you got something like a 'tiel, you'd have to be prepared to get him/her a large cage, tons of toys(including extras you can switch daily/bi daily to make sure he/she doesn't get bored) and even still the bird might get loud. It's just something you'd have to be prepared to handle, along with the biting, the poo, the cost... etc.

Not trying to tell you that you shouldn't get a bird. But maybe take a look at your schedule, even talk to your mom to see what "noise level" she can handle so she doesn't yell at/interact with the bird while you're gone, thus encouraging the screaming. Also make sure you have someone you trust that can care for your bird if you go on vacations, preferably someone that comes to visit frequently and interacts with the bird so that he/she is comfortable with the new human that comes to take care of him/her.
Most of us here don't even think about vacations anymore, because we all spend so much(nearly all) of our free time with our fids!! (Plus, if any of us had enough $$$ for a vacation, we'd probably crack and spend it on bird stuff anyways..) :p

Sorry to write you a dang essay, haha. But that's just my take on the situation. Hope you stay on the forums and take plenty of time to learn everything you need. :)


New member
Nov 26, 2013
Southeastern PA (15 miles west of Philly in a smal
HI Fellow Parrot Lovers! Baby Green Wing Macaw, Loving Departed Yellow-naped Amazon "Poe"
Hello Madskull00,

Welcome, I too like Donuts !! :D

One thing, a parrot is like a VERY Smart 5 year old child and NEEDS your Love Everyday, Can't just leave him/her in the cage !!

We just did a 5 page thread covering types of parrots and care for your parrot

It might make a good read for you!!


Please let anyone here know what your concerns or questions are, You are in good hands here !!



New member
May 5, 2014
Harrisburg, PA
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Hello and welcome, Madison! Even if you came here to sell donuts I wouldn't be complaining.. I personally feel like my town needs a 24/hr donut shop. :p
The problem with noise, is you will never find a bird that comes with a 'quietness' garuntee. It is buried in their instincts and natural behavior to get loud for multiple reasons, and not something that is easily "trained" away.
Sure, some birds are quieter than others, but generally speaking the bigger the bird the louder the noise. If two parakeets were too much, then I'm not sure how much quieter birds get(especially bigger than keets.)
Not only that, but you say you just want one, but if there are days when you're only home 1-2 hours then the bird is more likely to scream out of boredom if he/she decides the cage isn't entertaining enough. Most birds should get 4~ hours of out-of-cage-time, and though it is difficult for some people, it's best not to let that get below 2 hours. (At least not for multiple days of the week, anyway. Once or twice a week shouldn't be too bad. But every bird is different.)
My conures, green cheek and white eared, they have each other, a cage of toys, a play stand, and all sorts of food, but they'll still scream for seemingly no reason. Why? Because they're birds.
So if you got something like a 'tiel, you'd have to be prepared to get him/her a large cage, tons of toys(including extras you can switch daily/bi daily to make sure he/she doesn't get bored) and even still the bird might get loud. It's just something you'd have to be prepared to handle, along with the biting, the poo, the cost... etc.

Not trying to tell you that you shouldn't get a bird. But maybe take a look at your schedule, even talk to your mom to see what "noise level" she can handle so she doesn't yell at/interact with the bird while you're gone, thus encouraging the screaming. Also make sure you have someone you trust that can care for your bird if you go on vacations, preferably someone that comes to visit frequently and interacts with the bird so that he/she is comfortable with the new human that comes to take care of him/her.
Most of us here don't even think about vacations anymore, because we all spend so much(nearly all) of our free time with our fids!! (Plus, if any of us had enough $$$ for a vacation, we'd probably crack and spend it on bird stuff anyways..) :p

Sorry to write you a dang essay, haha. But that's just my take on the situation. Hope you stay on the forums and take plenty of time to learn everything you need. :)

Haha, I don't think we have donut shops near us either.
As for noise, I'm asking my mother to study up on bird noises, so she can prepare for how loud they can get, which ones are louder than others, etc. She doesn't mind chirping, singing, the occasional squeal, it's mainly if it shrieks the entire time that she can't stand. That's why I'm looking to solutions to help keep their noise level down. For example, I found radios work, records of the owner's voice, lots of toys, etc.
I'm fine with getting a large cage, and plenty of toys, etc.
Also, with the job, I found out that I do not have to work on school days, as of now, anyway. They are open weekends only anyway. Plus, since I have school, they may allow me to simply keep working weekends. (Crossing my fingers that I only have to work weekends!) So, it's more like I can have the birds out 2-4 hours a day! (Shouts in relief and happiness)
My only problem with this is that if it changes, I heard that the bird will become fussy and start to scream often if the amount of time of attention the bird gets changes. How do I prevent this if something happenings? For example, school ends, summer starts, and I can give the bird more attention. But then when school starts again, the amount of time the bird gets goes down.
Now I need to find someone who can take care of the bird while I'm gone...I hope my mother can while I'm at my dads. I'll have to get her to see how awesome they are. :D
So do you have any ideas on which birds I should get?


New member
May 5, 2014
Harrisburg, PA
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Hello Madskull00,

Welcome, I too like Donuts !! :D

One thing, a parrot is like a VERY Smart 5 year old child and NEEDS your Love Everyday, Can't just leave him/her in the cage !!

We just did a 5 page thread covering types of parrots and care for your parrot

It might make a good read for you!!


Please let anyone here know what your concerns or questions are, You are in good hands here !!


I LOVE donuts! Only problem is that I am on a very strict diet. *Sighs.*
I would NEVER simply leave the bird sit in it's cage. (Except when I'm not home of course.) But, when I am home, I can provide the bird a few hours of attention. I will read the info on the link you gave me! *Nods head.*
Trust me, I will have lots of questions. :D;)


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
Hi Madison, welcome!
My first concern for you is that your mom (who is not the person wanting the bird) is going to be intolerant of most any bird noise. Can you see that becoming an issue when she has to listen to any bird when you're not home?

Not necessarily even loud noises, but all birds can potentially be noisier than a non-bird-person wants. For example, even finches or doves who aren't 'loud' can still irritate some people.

My mom has a Bourke's parakeet which is no noisier or louder than a finch, but is also a species mainly found in aviaries. They are not super handleable, don't really use toys, and I joke he is half finch (or non-parrot type bird). I don't think that is what you're looking for.

I know Budgies can be surprisingly loud as well as almost continuously noisy (especially males). How about a Lineolated Parakeet? I don't believe they are real noisy or loud? They are smaller than you want though. I think you will run into noise issues even with a cockatiel from what you describe as your mom's tolerance level.

As far as time out and attention, of course more is better, BUT the little guys are generally more forgiving than bigger parrots (except for conures). Conures are small but can still have a temperament and plucking tendencies just like some big birds when their needs aren't adhered to.

I think if I were you, I'd sit down with your mom and really discuss this further, and your concerns about what she is willing to put up with. Good luck!


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
Another thing that I don't think was mentioned in the thread Joe linked; is teflon pans. (Any cookware with a black non-stick surface.)
It can release TFLN when heated, which is toxic to birds. If anyone in the house uses the nonstick pans, I highly recommend switching to stainless steel cookware. Especially if anyone else will be taking care of the bird other than yourself, make sure everyone knows. (Also things like scented candles, air fresheners, most sprays/fumes, etc.) The best rule of thumb is if you're not sure if it's safe or not, but it has a chemical/cleaner/bleach smell, odds are it isn't safe and it would be much better to find an alternate supply.
As far as what TYPE of bird.. after you've read the thread Joe linked, what do you think would be a good bird for you? Something like an english budgie(bigger than your regular pet store budgie) or a 'tiel, or maybe something like a conure? Just keep in mind the bigger the bird the bigger the noise.(Especially aratinga conures, like the suns, nandays, jendays, dusky. Gram for gram they're LOUD!) It's a good idea for you AND your mom to go visit several birds that you may be interested in, so you can both experience the noise level. :)

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