
WOW you sure have the zoo can't wait to see pictures. I would love to be able to have room for all those birds Maybe someday :)
Wow thats some family... makes Petas look small.
Also amazed u find time to post with all those hunmgry mouths to feed. Are both u and ur husband bird people or did one convet the other?
That is quite a flock you have there ... I have to agree with Karen, you do give Peta a run for her money ... (pssst, Peta, this might be just the reason to get those sennies that you wanted) ... Very happy you have found us here ... we look forward to your input!

~ Tex :50: & Hamlet
Hi and Welcome to our family, Wow thats a big family you have there, does make my zoo look real small. :D I hope we are gonna get to see lots and lots of pics of ALL you kids. :D

Nice to have you join us, I'm sure your gonna have loads of fun here.
Seems like we were posting the same time Tex, I have got my eye on a few more now, :D Think I've even convinced Andi that one or two of the species were brilliant. :D He's in love :18: with a couple of meyers
oh it would be great if he could get some birds of his own then he will fall in love with them and let you have all you want :) now when is your daughter going to college not much longer till your bird room. Of course my bird room which is referred to as the bird room that kelli lives in LOL is going to get converted to a scrapbook room (sniff sniff) but then I will have my own place so everytime I find a birdy in need I can just add him..
Yeah that was the plan, get Jemma off to college then have my bird room. Only now she is going to college BUT still living at home. :rolleyes:

Think it might have to be get Andi moved out and have bird room with me sharing. :D
Welcome to the forums!!!

Great flock you have there, and nice to see your giving homes to rescued animals!!!
Welcome to you and your flock!!

Hi there!
Im sorrey i didn't get a chance to welcome you earlier.
I would just like to say...


:D :worship2: :6_tongue:
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