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New member
Oct 15, 2006
Colorado Springs
Orange wing amazon
Hey everyone, I just got an orange wing amazon. He was abused or so I have heard, he will not step up and is not very friendly, though he is starting to come around. I am a little concerned because his eyes do not dilate like I have seen every other amazons do. Is there something wrong with him? He rarely makes any noise is that also another problem? from what I know amazons are one of the loudest birds, should I be concerned?
Has he been to an Avian Vet for a check up yet. If not that is the first thing I would do, (I'm not saying anything is wrong with him) for two reasons, you will then be able to meet the vet and he will be able to get him checked out to make sure that all is well with him.
He was abused or so I have heard, he will not step up and is not very friendly,
Its going to take time, he needs to learn to trust you especially if he has been abused, you know your not gonna hurt him but he doesn't, keep working with him and in time the trust will come, When you put your hand in for him to step up does he try to bite you? He may not know what step up is, In time I'm sure that with love understanding and a lot of patience he will become friendly. Its not easy to take on a parrot that has been abused, so be prepared for a lot of hard work, but as you love him I'm sure you'll win him over.

Let us know how you are getting on with him, and keep us informed of how he is coming along. You'll find that all the little things will mean so much Good Luck.
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Thanks for your advise, he does try to bite if you put your hand to him too fast, but he has started letting me scratch his head and under his beak, he fluffs up when we come near the cage and climbs to the top like he wants to be picked up but will not let anyone, so we try once a week and if he has no interest then we give up till next week, we dont want to push him. It took 4 months to even get him to let us pet him. He has been to a vet and said there is nothing wrong with him.
I would try putting the hands in the cage every day for a few minutes, if he really doesn't want you to touch him then don't, but keep the hands in the cage just so he gets used to them and won't see them as a threat.
He rarely makes any noise is that also another problem?
Make the most of it, once he realises that he can make a noise and he isn't going to be punished for it he will really start. :D

When I rescued two of mine (they were really badly abused and treated) they never made a peep for about a year and a half, now they don't stop and heaven help me if they think I am ignoring them. :eek: :D

Also as he has been seen by a vet and they say he is fine, then try not to worry about it.

Great news about being able to pet him now, 4 months is pretty good, just goes to show that he is already starting to trust you.
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we stepped up for the first time today , it was only for a second but i got so excited, then he jumped off of my arm onto the coffee table
Hi. Well done on the training and awesome that you adopted an abused parrot. As Peta said time and love will win every time. Also offer him a treat to entice him onto your hand of arm. Pick his favorite and only give it to him when he comes close to you or hops onto your hand. Contracting of the pupils can be a display of threat or a mating display I would not worry about him not doing that. Good luck and let us know how you go.
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I sent in some blood for Sexing zues, I though he was a boy. But we found out this morning that Zeus is really a Hara.
Congratulations on your LITTLE GIRL, I will try to remember that, but should I forget please forgive me.

Is she going to still be called Zeus or is it now Hara?

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