HELP!!! Bobby Is obsessed with chewing on his newspaper bedding.


Feb 9, 2024
He has been chewing his bedding for a while now, but its starting to concern me because he may be eating some in the process?...
The cage doesnt have a grate. just a plastic tray on the bottom. PLEASE does anyone know how to stop this?
Sometimes he chews it up and then later he growls at it like mad. HELP!
He is actually nesting, shredding the paper to make nest material. Birds don't need a "bed" like we do. They sleep in the sitting position. Typically with one eye working while the other is asleep.

My Sun Conure "asleep" half of thier brains sleeps while the other half watches for danger, it's weird I know but that's how it works with birds, being a prey animal is dangerous.
My Quaker likes to angrily attack his newspaper and “ hole punch” the entire top edge. It’s part of his morning routine after I change his paper. As far as I can tell, he never eats any. To me, it’s pretty harmless behavior so I don’t try to stop him.
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Ok im sooo relieved thats its not harmful! Thank you!
I agree w/Jexnell, this is nesting behacior, which means this is mating behavior. Make note when it stops. THat will give you a bracket for the future. Has Bobby been a bit .... off? Bitey? Sudden mood changes? Those are more pointers for mating season.

@Jcas, Quakers have this behavior all year long, part of their drive to build those gigantic nests they build. I've read that some get so big and well made that some need to be blown apart with explosives, when they build them on power transformers and such. I;ve seen these huge nests in NYC believe it or not.
Quakers have this behavior all year long, part of their drive to build those gigantic nests they build
So Quaker parrots build nests. Ok I didn't know that. It's different cos most parrots use tree hollows
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I agree w/Jexnell, this is nesting behacior, which means this is mating behavior. Make note when it stops. THat will give you a bracket for the future. Has Bobby been a bit .... off? Bitey? Sudden mood changes? Those are more pointers for mating season.

@Jcas, Quakers have this behavior all year long, part of their drive to build those gigantic nests they build. I've read that some get so big and well made that some need to be blown apart with explosives, when they build them on power transformers and such. I;ve seen these huge nests in NYC believe it or not.
Hmmm. he has been a bit more aggresive and crazy recently.
I agree w/Jexnell, this is nesting behacior, which means this is mating behavior. Make note when it stops. THat will give you a bracket for the future. Has Bobby been a bit .... off? Bitey? Sudden mood changes? Those are more pointers for mating season.

@Jcas, Quakers have this behavior all year long, part of their drive to build those gigantic nests they build. I've read that some get so big and well made that some need to be blown apart with explosives, when they build them on power transformers and such. I;ve seen these huge nests in NYC believe it or not.
Yes, JJ does like to “ build” with his popsicle sticks but, at least for him, the paper behavior is different; he’s not shredding it he’s just mad at it. It’s not just newspaper either, he has a vendetta against all kinds of paper lol!

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