to undo screaming?


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Crap. Crap. Crap. I think I've inadvertently reinforced screaming/squawking to get my do I undo this?? Sometimes Jackie calls for me, but usually it's obnoxious squawks, holding out his wings, and wanting me to come pick him up. It's hard to ignore his loudness and persistence when our place is sooo tiny.
I did the same with Bosley too, but the good news is that Jackie trusts you. What this means is get some earplugs and ignore him, it will be short lived. Pick your time, baby.not napping and hubby out of the house and ignore. It only lasted 2days with Bosley before he got it. Now he screams when he wants me but after an initial yell he gives up if I don't come.
Well you can try the "send in the bad guy routine" if you have a bad guy. Is there someone he doesn't like? Is there a least favorite person. The bad guy needs a few days he can hang around and be available all day, (like a weekend). Every time he screams ,send in the bad guy, they don't have to do anything, just stand beside his cage until he calms down and then leave. When he behaves ,you visit and take him treats/praise him,etc. When he starts the screaming, the "bad guy" shows up and stand beside the cage. It usually works in a couple of days if your very consistent. Of course you need someone he really doesn't like or want to see. Worth a try, it works for me most of the time. especially with older birds who have a favorite person they're screaming for. They usually will try a word or phase that gets attention, the trick is to respond to what you find acceptable. If you don't he'll start screaming because that works to get attention. You can teach him that screaming brings the bad guy, but you also need to reinforce good behavior and give him a way to call you where you respond.

Merlee, you need to write that one down, it works.
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Your MIL would be perfect for henpeckeds advice LOL

BAHAHHA!!!! Yesssssss.... Yes, she would would be perfect, but I don't want her lurking around my teeny place for any amount of time lol I like her, just in certain short doses ;)
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My husband could be/is the bad guy...his presence always sends Jackie into a mood lol I could give the good guy, bad guy thing a try -with ear plugs lol the only person he likes around here is me.

How do I teach him an acceptable way to call me? Sometimes he does this "yoo hoo!!" call and I'll answer likewise -if he doesn't answer himself first lol should I just call out "yoo hoo!" when he's quiet and then go pick him up?
My girl "Jake" knows that screaming will not bring me running. She'll try EVERYTHING she ever learned to say . If one thing doesn't work ,she'll try the next. It's kind of cute really. To listen to her go though her whole repertoire to find something that works. But screaming never works. Smart bird. Pick something you can live with, "Pretty girl" or "I love you" or a certain call, It won't take long, if you respond ,that's what she'll use.It's a give and take situation. You have to give in to something or she'll do what ever it takes.It's as much about training you to do, as training her not to.
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Although I don't recommend free-flight, reading about your recent issues with Jackie reminded me of this article...

Use your words: Conditioning Sam to a new environment | Learning Parrots

And here's one blog that I really enjoy! It's about trying to set a bird up for success by preventing bad behavior in the first place rather than "ignoring" it and hoping it goes away!

Living With Parrots Cage Free: Does Ignoring Really Work?

Thanks for the links!! I really like the second one- watching for cues and redirecting before the misbehaving starts. I think that might be more feasible than ignoring his screams, because in our tiny place it's really hard to ignore a screaming zon and I can't always leave the room with a toddler running amuck lol
So, we'll see how this goes...
I can't imagine it'll be easy, but I wish you the best of luck in trying to get Jackie's behavior under control!!!!
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Thanks Monica- I hope I can get him under control... Before we all lose our hearing and sanity lol. Maybe if I engage him in activities do you think that would help him? Like target training or something?
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Ya, it may help! Foraging and flight could also help! Keep him busy!
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He has an aviator harness, but has never worn it. Is indoor flight training ok to do? Do you have any good links?
He can fly, sort of- he sometimes gracefully flys in a downward direction after me, but every time I ask him to fly to me he puts his wings out and bobs around like he REALLY wants to do it but he seems nervous about the taking off part
Well you can try the "send in the bad guy routine" if you have a bad guy. Is there someone he doesn't like? Is there a least favorite person. The bad guy needs a few days he can hang around and be available all day, (like a weekend). Every time he screams ,send in the bad guy, they don't have to do anything, just stand beside his cage until he calms down and then leave. When he behaves ,you visit and take him treats/praise him,etc. When he starts the screaming, the "bad guy" shows up and stand beside the cage. It usually works in a couple of days if your very consistent. Of course you need someone he really doesn't like or want to see. Worth a try, it works for me most of the time. especially with older birds who have a favorite person they're screaming for. They usually will try a word or phase that gets attention, the trick is to respond to what you find acceptable. If you don't he'll start screaming because that works to get attention. You can teach him that screaming brings the bad guy, but you also need to reinforce good behavior and give him a way to call you where you respond.

Merlee, you need to write that one down, it works.

Hahaha good cop / bad cop love it.
He has an aviator harness, but has never worn it. Is indoor flight training ok to do? Do you have any good links?
He can fly, sort of- he sometimes gracefully flys in a downward direction after me, but every time I ask him to fly to me he puts his wings out and bobs around like he REALLY wants to do it but he seems nervous about the taking off part

Ya, indoor flight training is fine! Actually, it's recommended! Most links are for out-door flight training, but any of the training recommendations can be applied for training parrots indoors, too! Except for the going outside part... lol

Here's some links!
Carly Lu?s Flight Blog Recall Training | Carly Lu's Flight Blog
Good Bird Inc Parrot Training Talk: Training a Parrot to Recall Only When Cued
How To Teach Your Parrot To Fly (skimmed over this one - appears to be good article)
Teaching Flighted Recall: First Steps | Best in Flock - Parrot Blog
Flying Macaws: Recall Training (haven't read this one, think I'll go back and read it - talks about teaching an older bird who's never flown before to fly)
Recall Training |
I love that Bosley flies, instead of screaming he comes and finds me. It took him a while to be secure enough to attempt though and he is a great flier.
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Monica- thanks for the links! I've read a couple of them already :) I'm hoping I can do this training thing lol

Sandy- I really think being able to fly where he wants to go will be a great help for Jackie, and hopefully like Bosley he'll just come find me instead of screaming lol

My next question is- his wings are still clipped, but they're growing out...his last clip was the beginning of the year and I haven't clipped him since with the goal of him eventually being fully flighted one day. Should I wait for flight training until he's got all his feathers back? (and just work on target/trick training in the meantime?) or just go with the flow and see how he does with semi-clipped wings...? I gathered from some of the articles Monica posted that target training should be established first, before flight training...correct?
Not sure, I can't say I flight trained Bosley. It just happened for us, he was just so excited anytime we were in the kitchen that he decided that he had to know what was going on LOL I have to hang a curtain when we are cooking on the stove top now LOL
After he became comfortable he started flying to find me.

I do know that Bosley was able to fly even with clipped wings, they clipped him the day before he came to us and he was able to fly short distances but not gain height. Now he can fly from the ground to my shoulder without issue!
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Ok, that's good to hear- he makes attempts to fly after me when I leave the room, which always ends in a crash landing :/ and there was one time he flew down and landed on me while I was sitting on the floor. So I know he wants to fly, and he can fly- he's just not graceful or coordinated about it lol recently he's figured out he can go from his jungle gym to his table top stand, climbs down that onto the desk, waddles over to the couch and next thing I know I hear clucking next to my ear... Sneaky chicken!!
You don't *have* to target train a parrot before doing recalls, but if a bird doesn't fly to you on his or her own, it would be a good idea to do target training! You can start with just stepping up to you then doing short hops to you. Even if he might not be able to fly, you can still practice recall training! Might require him wobbling over to you to get it done, but hey, if they get it, they get it!

(having said that, target training is still a great behavior for any parrot to learn, flighted or not!)

Charlie already flew to me without target training, so I just strengthened the behavior. Jayde is currently clipped and has her insecurities, but I feel that as her confidence grows, so will her willingness to come to me! I have no doubt that if she was flighted, she'd fly to me! She already tries to fly to me, but knows she can't fly, so ends up not getting anywhere... and she's currently molting, too! Slowly.... ever so slowly....

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