Help, my little green man is sick


Nov 7, 2019
White fronted amazon
Hi all, I hesitated asking for thoughts but I’m at my wits end. I’m not sure how to use this site properly so I may have multiple posts on here. I have a 46-year old white fronted Amazon who is blind. About one month ago I noticed nasal discharge and bubbly discharge from eyes. I immediately took him to avain vet. His vet prescribed antibiotics, did a sinus flush and did not get much drainage , at least not what was expected. She now wants me to give nebulizer treatments and I’ve watched videos, I ordered nebulizer machine and I’m in the process of setting up shop for nebulizer treatment. Doc just called me today with lab results and she says cbc was ok but very high Uric acid levels and extremely high triglycerides. I have appointment tomorrow to meet with vet to discuss treatment plans. I’m worried sick I’m losing my pretty bird. I have been feeding mostly Christine’s chop shop and Harrison’s birdy bread, nutriberries, and fresh chop. He loves anything salad, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce etc. he is on the very light side, only 165 grams on a good day. He can go down to 157 or up to 172 but always in that range no matter how much he eats. He seems to eat all day but obviously not maintaining weight. can you give me some encouraging news with these problems Because right now I’m freaking out that I may lose my lifelong little man. I hate bothering you with this but I know if anyone knows trials and tribulations with parrots it is all of you. I’ve learned so much from this forum and only wish I was able to learn sooner, maybe I could’ve been a better parront. Pretty bird is 46 and I’ve had him 44 years. The past maybe six to eight years I’ve had a reawakening with proper care and nutrition for parrots but I’m sick I’m too late for my little green man. Please any info you can offer will be helpful.
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Hi all, I hesitated asking for thoughts but I’m at my wits end. I’m not sure how to use this site properly so I may have multiple posts on here. I have a 46-year old white fronted Amazon who is blind. About one month ago I noticed nasal discharge and bubbly discharge from eyes. I immediately took him to avain vet. His vet prescribed antibiotics, did a sinus flush and did not get much drainage , at least not what was expected. She now wants me to give nebulizer treatments and I’ve watched videos, I ordered nebulizer machine and I’m in the process of setting up shop for nebulizer treatment. Doc just called me today with lab results and she says cbc was ok but very high Uric acid levels and extremely high triglycerides. I have appointment tomorrow to meet with vet to discuss treatment plans. I’m worried sick I’m losing my pretty bird. I have been feeding mostly Christine’s chop shop and Harrison’s birdy bread, nutriberries, and fresh chop. He loves anything salad, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce etc. he is on the very light side, only 165 grams on a good day. He can go down to 157 or up to 172 but always in that range no matter how much he eats. He seems to eat all day but obviously not maintaining weight. can you give me some encouraging news with these problems Because right now I’m freaking out that I may lose my lifelong little man. I hate bothering you with this but I know if anyone knows trials and tribulations with parrots it is all of you. I’ve learned so much from this forum and only wish I was able to learn sooner, maybe I could’ve been a better parront. Pretty bird is 46 and I’ve had him 44 years. The past maybe six to eight years I’ve had a reawakening with proper care and nutrition for parrots but I’m sick I’m too late for my little green man. Please any info you can offer will be helpful.
Just an update….pretty bird is receiving sub q fluids daily for two weeks along with omega vitamins in hopes we can get better kidney values. He is also going in nebulization chamber twice daily with sterile saline for now with hopes that helps rid him of sinus/respiratory infection and if this does not help, doc will be adding medicine to chamber. I am pleased to announce that although he is not out of the woods yet, he is behaving sooo much better, back to squawking and singing. I know we have a long way to go with his age and all, but he is at least back to his near self. Thanks for listening to me in my frantic stage.
It sounds like you have been doing well by your friend. The vet would have the best insight into diet…Harrison’s does make a high potency pellet and something called “power treats” if the bird needs to put on some weight.

Our blue front amazon had a recurrent sinus infection that eventually brought him down. He had recovered from aspergillosis, but we suspect it lingered in his air sacs and other recesses where it’s very difficult to treat. He got regular nebulizer treatments with anti fungal drugs. you are on the right path, working with an avian vet to find the best way forward, and I hope for the best for you both. Please do stay here with us and let people know what’s going on With you both.
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It sounds like you have been doing well by your friend. The vet would have the best insight into diet…Harrison’s does make a high potency pellet and something called “power treats” if the bird needs to put on some weight.

Our blue front amazon had a recurrent sinus infection that eventually brought him down. He had recovered from aspergillosis, but we suspect it lingered in his air sacs and other recesses where it’s very difficult to treat. He got regular nebulizer treatments with anti fungal drugs. you are on the right path, working with an avian vet to find the best way forward, and I hope for the best for you both. Please do stay here with us and let people know what’s going on With you both.
I was going to ask his vet about the Harrison’s high potency tomorrow when he goes in for his fluids. He does need to gain some weight In addition to his other problems. Not sure how he will do with changing diet right now but I’m still going to ask. He loves Harrison’s birdie bread of course. Lol. Thanks for your interest, it means a lot to know we have a place to go to get ideas and thoughts of where or what to do next.
Extra warmth is a real big help, it saves them lots if calories and promotes healing. I like sweeter heater as found on Amazon the smallest size it more than enough.

Supplement feeding of baby psrrot formula is very supportive. Adults like it thicker like thick yogurt. Still served very warm. Offer at beak tip with syringe . I have them stand with a towel rolled around them like a nest and hover a hand over their shoulders and kind of encourage to take. A little at a time. Adult crops don't stretch like a babies. So I'd guess abiut 14 ml at serving is a good baseline. As my quakers can take 6-10 ml at time. 2 supportive feeding a day should help gain back weight. In morning and evening. But you can do up to 4 or might find even one helps.

If won't take from syringe ( mine take easy once they figure it out) you can try offering from fingers or feeding spoon or a bowl.

Good luck.

Really stress extra warmth and support feed
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I'm so glad he's acting like he feels better! It must be so heartwarming to hear him be more chatty again.
Thank you, It really feels lots better although I know he’s not out of the woods….we will continue with doctor orders and pray.
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Extra warmth is a real big help, it saves them lots if calories and promotes healing. I like sweeter heater as found on Amazon the smallest size it more than enough.

Supplement feeding of baby psrrot formula is very supportive. Adults like it thicker like thick yogurt. Still served very warm. Offer at beak tip with syringe . I have them stand with a towel rolled around them like a nest and hover a hand over their shoulders and kind of encourage to take. A little at a time. Adult crops don't stretch like a babies. So I'd guess abiut 14 ml at serving is a good baseline. As my quakers can take 6-10 ml at time. 2 supportive feeding a day should help gain back weight. In morning and evening. But you can do up to 4 or might find even one helps.

If won't take from syringe ( mine take easy once they figure it out) you can try offering from fingers or feeding spoon or a bowl.

Good luck.

Really stress extra warmth and support feed
I will try the syringe feeding, he seems to be eating ok, he just doesn’t gain weight, I’m thinking he may be doing pretend eating though….I know for sure he’s eating his fruit in the morning and fresh veggies at lunch time. As far as his cooked food, not so much I’m thinking, just lots of throwing it around. This morning after his nebulizer treatment I sat with him while he ate some breakfast, he ate a few bites and then quit eating. As he was sitting there, I noticed he was tail bobbing. This lasted about fifteen minutes. As soon as I put him back in his cage he seemed ok again. When I took him in to doctors about an hour later, I mentioned this to them and they decreased his fluids from 5 ml to 3 ml. Doc wants to get X-rays but is leery to do so with his age and condition of not feeling well As she will need to sedate to get X-rays. He seems to be going in and out of feeling good and then getting kind of lethargic looking. I’m guessing the fluids may be a little hard on his heart but doc is trying to bring uric acid level down. im guessing it’s a tricky endeavor as what’s good for one organ may be too much for the other? I have noticed his nose is not clogged anymore so hoping the nebulizer and antibiotics and vitamins are doing what they are supposed to do but another thing I noticed was when I gave him his morning antibiotics, his mouth seemed to have phlegm or mucus in it. I think he’s nauseous as he keeps moving his mouth like he’s eating something but he’s not eating anything. I’m doing the best I can, I’m just not sure it will be enough for my little man.
I hope he improves. Its so hard to have a sick baby. Follow your vets advice. And definitely keep them advised of changes as things often need tweaking when dealing with serious health issues.

Sick birds can burn 3 to 5x their normal calories. So even when eating can still loose weight, or often they don't feel good enough to a have full appetite. Its hard to monitor weight if you are doing fluid therapy.

The baby bird formula is a support feed. Its easy digestible, complete nutrition. And often readily taken by sick birds. Often after a support feed they would go chow down on their food.

Unfortunately I've had a lot of experience taking care of sick birds. A couple if years ago I took in an escaped budgie that brought clyamidia to flock results 7 sick birds 1 dire life threatening touch and go, 1 very sick and the rest varies to only slight weight loss.

Warmth. Support feeding. ( of course Veterinarian care antibiotics ) was a big factor. Any Google search will likely stress the need for Xtra warmth. Even in a normal home situation with room temp of 74. Sick birds recommend keep them 85f and I've seen even higher recommend. As birds normal body temperature 104-110 ( memory so may be slightly off) it takes a lot of resources for them to maintain that temperature. So warmth allows them to spend more resources on recovery.

Food and calories. My Veterinarian is always saying sick birds get what ever they want ( except a lot of sugary foods ) as high sugar feeds the yeastie beasties , and bacteria. And doesn't have a lot of staying power. In birds that aren't dealing with kidney issues and some other types if issues. Bumping protein slightly is helpful.

You don't have to offer baby bird formula, and I wouldn't force it. But it can be very beneficial if they will take some.
Also... yes nausea...or depending on antibiotics can be developing yeast overgrowth. Nearly all birds in baytril will develop yeast. You might need to add nystatin ( anti fungal medicine )

It sounds like you are doing everything you can. I know its so hard having your baby sick. Keep up your good work and I'm praying for you guys.
Sounds like you have a lot going on. Our vet asked us to put a very very small amount of cider vinegar in the water, just to keep the crop on the acidic side to avoid fungal growth. But that might interfere with the other treatments. Harrison’s does sell a baby formula powder for parrots - I keep some in the freezer in case we ever need emergency support feeding. It’s high calorie. They do need protein. Even unsalted nuts are good.

I made a video of our parrot, in the last few days of his life. He had a bad infection in his sinuses and skull and not even twice daily antibiotic injections could save him. He would be ringing his bell and singing, then stop and seem to fall asleep briefly. Like a feverish person going in and out of consciousness. Your poor guy sounds very sick and I hope all this good supportive care is enough to pull him through. You are doing a stand-up job.
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Sounds like you have a lot going on. Our vet asked us to put a very very small amount of cider vinegar in the water, just to keep the crop on the acidic side to avoid fungal growth. But that might interfere with the other treatments. Harrison’s does sell a baby formula powder for parrots - I keep some in the freezer in case we ever need emergency support feeding. It’s high calorie. They do need protein. Even unsalted nuts are good.

I made a video of our parrot, in the last few days of his life. He had a bad infection in his sinuses and skull and not even twice daily antibiotic injections could save him. He would be ringing his bell and singing, then stop and seem to fall asleep briefly. Like a feverish person going in and out of consciousness. Your poor guy sounds very sick and I hope all this good supportive care is enough to pull him through. You are doing a stand-up job.
Yes it is a lot, and I do think this infection is pretty bad, she keeps listening to his head and told me about how these infections invade their skull and can do all kinds of damage…it’s so sad…I did call Harrison’s today to have them send me high potency food but honestly, I’m not sure he will try this now and I can’t afford for him to lose any more weight. Even with the sub q fluids he is not gaining, as a matter of fact he lost a couple more grams. I’m trying to take this one day at a time and pray he can pull through this sinus infection so we can concentrate more on kidneys and heart. I know he’s 46 years old but I will do whatever I can to make him feel better. Thanks for the advice and I do appreciate all the helpful tips.
My Gonzo always liked to be fed warm “glop” from a spoon. I mixed up baby bird formula and actual baby food, usually squash or a vegetable with beef. That kept some weight on her when we didn’t know why she was sick. Lucy also enjoyed being fed warm baby bird food from a spoon when she was sick.

Maybe you could try this for your old fellow.

I’m sorry you and he are going through this sad time.
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My Gonzo always liked to be fed warm “glop” from a spoon. I mixed up baby bird formula and actual baby food, usually squash or a vegetable with beef. That kept some weight on her when we didn’t know why she was sick. Lucy also enjoyed being fed warm baby bird food from a spoon when she was sick.

Maybe you could try this for your old fellow.

I’m sorry you and he are going through this sad time.
Thank you for understanding, I’m sorry for all of us who feel so helpless and just have to keep trying and then have some good days and bad days…it’s all the ups and downs, I’ve come to be very leery to say he’s turning a corner cause sure enough the next day doesn’t seem to be as good….but we are still fighting and that’s a good sign. I am going to try some baby food, it can’t hurt. Today when I weighed him he had gained a couple grams, he now weighs 160 grams, still underweight but at least he hit the 160s. I realize it’s hard to get good weights as he’s getting sub q fluids but a gain is a gain. Doc told me yesterday that she will keep him at 3 mls as he had some tail bobbing at 5 mls and at this time, it may be a little too much for him right now and she is probably right cause I haven’t seen tail bobbing since. All of you parrot lovers are such a loving bunch and it helps to know there are people who understand how hard this is because I have run across people who can’t understand why I’m doing all this. I love him to pieces and as long as he wants to fight the fight, I will be right beside him. 💕
I’m glad to hear he is at least holding his own. It can be a long slog! Thank you so much for taking such good care of the little guy. And thanks for keeping us posted. I think about you both sometimes and wish you well.
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I’m glad to hear he is at least holding his own. It can be a long slog! Thank you so much for taking such good care of the little guy. And thanks for keeping us posted. I think about you both sometimes and wish you well.
Thank you for thinking of us….pretty bird sees his doc tomorrow morning for repeat labs but honestly I don’t see much if any improvement…he has been getting sub q fluids daily for the past two weeks, he is on omega vitamins, and has been getting twice daily nebulizer treatments and he still has nasal drainage and sometimes eye drainage. He has days where he seems to eat okay and then some days he has to be coaxed to eat. I’m doing the best I can do…I really don’t know what else I can do for him. I try to stay positive but he’s so fragile now and so many things are against him. Hoping to have something more favorable in lab values but if I had to judge by his looks, I don’t think much has changed. I’m praying and doing whatever I can for my little man, I just wish I had known 40 years ago what I know today in the care of parrots. I just wish I could’ve done better by him all those years and stayed away from sunflower seeds and all the other garbage he ate.
At least he is being treated so he has a chance. If he would get sturdier maybe she could do another sinus flush? The problem is that the infection gets in the sinuses and air sacs which make up so much of a bird’s body.

I’m glad you are hand feeding him. That helped my birds lots when they were ill.
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At least he is being treated so he has a chance. If he would get sturdier maybe she could do another sinus flush? The problem is that the infection gets in the sinuses and air sacs which make up so much of a bird’s body.

I’m glad you are hand feeding him. That helped my birds lots when they were ill.
Doc did more blood work but I won’t know anything for a few days. He, knock on wood, was very active today. Doc added gentamicin to his nebulizer treatments. Hope it doesn’t hurt him, I’ve read it can be bad for kidneys but we are dealing with so many issues, I understand doc and the predicament she is in. She also told me we will stop the daily fluids he was going in for. I’m very fortunate to have found her.
tomorrow I will be taking my other white front (Sonny) in, he is approximately 25 years old. I’ve had him a couple years but I suspect he did not live in very good environment and definitely bad diet, I was told he loves ritz crackers with peanut butter and of course seeds. I have broken him from ritz crackers but having a very hard time getting him to eat pellets. He will eat sweet peppers and loves celery and lettuce but can’t get him to even try pellets or birdie bread. He will eat fruit if he can hold it, but not if it gets his talons wet. So I’m guessing he will have some problems also. i was taking them both twice yearly to a vet approximately 1.5 hours away but that vet did absolutely nothing for either one of them. He basically felt they were old and just didn’t do anything for them. Sonny was raised in a smoke filled house cause when I got him, his white front was yellow and everything that came with him stunk of cigarettes. It was awful. I do believe his previous owner loved him by all the toys he had and his cage and the long list of his likes and dislikes, but she didn’t know about diet and environment for him. I’m praying that things aren’t going to be too bad for him. Please say a prayer and wish us luck….this one is a little feisty and much harder to control. I will check back in and let you all know about pretty birds labs and Sonny’s visit and check up. Thanks again for letting me vent.

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