Help with aggressive Lovebird


New member
Mar 22, 2014
Somewhere in sunny California
I have two couple of lovebirds
I am now finding myself in this situation: my lovebird Babyblue:blue1: is the daughter of the first pair of lovebirds:blue2::blue2: which I still have.

I bought her a peach face mate :green1:and they continually make eggs, most of the times infertile, but they also had :green2::green2::green2: babies which I gave away.

She was so sweet when she was in her first months, now she is 2 years old, and she is so aggressive, protecting her cage, and attacking me continuously.

I tried everything: letting her sit on her eggs forever, taking the cage away......she is attacking me no matter what.

Her mate is so sweet and I hate to give the pair away, especially because she is the first baby of my first lovebird pair.

The parents are so quiet and so well behaved, I don't know why she changed so much.

Nothing in the house has changed and she is so happy with her mate, but not with me.:31:

Have you tried taking her to a different room, or area in your place that she is less familiar with? I know you mentioned 'taking the cage away' and I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but how about taking the bird away? That might help you handle her if it's territorial aggression. See if she'll hop up on a stick for you.

I'm no expert on lovebirds in particular, but I know that some birds do get very cage territorial, and even worse after maturity or during breeding season.

I hope others have some good tips and insight for you too. Good luck with Babyblue!
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I meant to say...."I removed the nest away"...sorry for the error....
and I cannot put the cage anywhere else except where it is now....:31:

I don't mean that you need to move the cage.. how about getting the bird into an unfamiliar room and see how she acts toward you then? Even the bathroom will do, as long as you close the toilet lid. I'm thinking she might be cage territorial.
Maybe she is cage territorial or she's going through a huge mood swing? Some birds are just horrible after becoming a breeder bird, or some, are still pet quality while being a breeder bird.

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