help with new bird site


New member
Apr 7, 2008
hi guys ,

hope your all ok :)

i own two african greys and love them to bits (although noisy :)

the thing is, i want to start a new website for the parrot world. and at the moment im just doing some research into it but i would love to hear what you guys have to say about it.

i really want to know what kind of thing i would need to put into the site.
as said before, i own 2 parrots myself, so i get the jist of things.
but im really looking for feed back on what you guys would want on there :)

what kind of info would you like to see on there??
i want it to be a one stop shop for all of your parrot info needs.

so any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)

Good luck with the site, I look forward to checking it out. However, I'm not exactly sure what you are asking...

There are many parrot sites out there, creating another sounds like a great hobby and an all around good thing to do. But do you see something that is currently missing from online parrot sites? If so this could be what you focus on.

I suppose the only thing that I would value over the average parrot site is well balanced and well researched information with links/references/citations.

There are many important things for parrot owners to know, but there are at least as many 'old-wives-tales' about parrots with little to no truth value. While it is always better to err on the side of caution there are plenty of sites 'cautioning' us on what we should never do. Very few explain why; very few give exceptions.

I make a habit of doing thorough research on every caution that I am given before I whole-heartedly condone it and pass it on. A good example is the Teflon-scare. While in no uncertain terms Teflon CAN be a danger for a bird, and it would never hurt to not have Teflon pans, this concern is often over-stated. Used safely and appropriately most Teflon cookware is fine.

This is only an example of one concern that all sites seem to err on the side of caution saying "NO TEFLON WHAT SO EVER", "THROW OUT YOUR PANS". Very few sites give a balanced report precisely explaining the dangers.

Side note: the one Teflon product I did get rid of was my George Forman grill, as it is supposed to be preheated dry, and this is the potential danger or PTFE pans.
I mean really, isn't this request kinda like going into McDonalds and saying, "I want to open a chain of fast-food restaurants myself, what's in your secrete sauce?
Lucky for me I hate the fact that Teflon tends to "flake off" after usage and tends to get into my food ... I hate Teflon for that reason ... besides, butter makes everything taste so much better and food doesn't stick ... :eek:

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